Words — 170 found
1. south wind tileMahjong
2. winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tilesMahjong
1. South Pole
- たとえ
- わたし私たち
- が
- そくざ即座に
- しよう使用
- を
- やめて
- も 、
- なんきょく南極
- の
- オゾンホール
- が
- もとにもど元に戻る
- の
- には
- さらに
- あと後 60
- ねん年
- かかります 。
3. Antarctica; South Pole
1. pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.); squashUsually written using kana alone, From Portuguese “Cambodia abóbora”, ぼうぶら is primarily Kansai dialect
南瓜 【ぼうぶら】、南瓜 【なんか】、カボチャ
なんか: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
1. South Seas
1. south coast; south bank
1. the south; southward; southern direction
2. countries in the south (esp. Southeast Asia and the pre-WWII South Pacific Mandate)
1. southern barbarians (name used in ancient China for non-Chinese ethnic groups to the south)Historical term, Derogatory
2. South-East Asian countries (in the late-Muromachi and Edo periods)Historical term
3. Western Europe (esp. Spain and Portugal and their South-East Asian colonies; late-Muromachi and Edo periods)Historical term
4. foreign (of goods from South-East Asia and Western Europe); exotic (esp. in a Western European or South-East Asian style)Historical term
6. nanban; dish prepared using chili peppers and Welsh onionsFood, cooking, Abbreviation, See also 南蛮煮
7. thrusting the right foot and right arm forward at the same time (or left foot and left arm; in kabuki, dance, puppetry, etc.)