
Wikipedia definition
1. Minhe Hui and Tu Autonomous CountyMinhe Hui and Tu Autonomous County is the easternmost county in Qinghai Province, China. It is under the administration of Haidong (lit. Eastern Qinghai) Region. "Hui" refers to the Chinese Muslims, whereas "Tu" refers to the ethnic group known as “Monguor” in the West and as "Tu Zu" in China. It borders the Honggu District of Gansu on the east, demarcated by the Datong River, a tributary to the Huangshui River, which eventually flows into the Yellow River.
Read “Minhe Hui and Tu Autonomous County” on English Wikipedia
Read “民和回族トゥ族自治県” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Minhe Hui and Tu Autonomous County” on DBpedia


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