
こつずいけいせいしょうこうぐん 骨髄異形成症候群
1. myelodysplastic syndrome; MDSMedicine
Wikipedia definition
2. Myelodysplastic syndromeThe myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS, formerly known as preleukemia) are a diverse collection of hematological (blood-related) medical conditions that involve ineffective production of the myeloid class of blood cells. Patients with MDS often develop severe anemia and require frequent blood transfusions. In most cases, the disease worsens and the patient develops cytopenias (low blood counts) due to progressive bone marrow failure.
Read “Myelodysplastic syndrome” on English Wikipedia
Read “骨髄異形成症候群” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Myelodysplastic syndrome” on DBpedia


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