

Words — 26 found

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. disquieting; threatening; turbulent; restless; unsettled; disturbing
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. stormy; threatening
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. dangerous; perilous; threatening; stormy; volatile; tense; critical; serious
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. stern (expression); hostile (attitude); sharp; harsh
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. threatening (esp. voice, tone, words)See also ドスの効いた声
Other forms
ドスの利いた 【どすのきいた】どすの利いた 【どすのきいた】どすの効いた 【どすのきいた】
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. suspicious; dubious; questionable; dodgy; shady; fishy
  • みんな
  • やつ
  • あや怪しい
  • おも思っている
We are all suspicious about him.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. doubtful; unsure; uncertain; unlikely; implausible
  • かれ
  • じかん時間どおり
  • きた来る
  • かどうか
  • わたし
  • あや怪しい
  • おも思う
I question whether he'll come in time.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
3. untrustworthy; unreliable; clumsy; awkward; shaky; poor
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
4. strange; weird; eerie; spooky; uncanny
  • その
  • あや怪しい
  • じょせい女性
  • まじょ魔女
  • かんが考えられた
The strange-looking woman was thought to be a witch.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
5. ominous (e.g. weather); threatening; dangerous (e.g. financial situation); uncertain
  • そら
  • あや怪しい
  • あめ
  • 降る
  • かな
The sky looks ominous. I wonder if it will rain.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
6. suspicious (of a potential amorous relation)
  • デイブ
  • あやしい
  • という
  • うわさ
  • なが流れた
Word got around that Jeanette and Dave were having an affair.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
7. mysterious; bewitching; alluring; enticing; enchantingSee also 妖しい あやしい, also 妖しい
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1. threatening attitude; menacing look; angry look
Other forms
権幕 【けんまく】見幕 【けんまく】
権幕: Rarely-used kanji form. 見幕: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. dark clouds
2. threatening signs; ominous indications
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1. threatening letter; intimidating letter
Wikipedia definition
2. BlackmailIn common usage, blackmail is a crime involving threats t... Read more
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to threaten; to intimidate; to be threatening
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. deep, threatening voice; menacing tone
Other forms
ドスの利いた声 【どすのきいたこえ】どすの効いた声 【どすのきいたこえ】どすの利いた声 【どすのきいたこえ】
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1. signs of rain; threatening to rain
Other forms
雨気 【うき】
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1. racketeering by interceding in civil disputes and threatening the use of violenceAbbreviation, See also 民事介入暴力
Other forms
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みんかいにゅうぼうりょく 民事介入暴力
1. racketeering by interceding in civil disputes and threatening the use of violence
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1. traditional Koshōgatsu ceremony where one person beats a fruit tree (usu. persimmon tree) with a pole while threatening to cut it down if it does not provide a plentiful harvest, with another person responding "I will, I will" for the treeSee also 小正月, See also 祝い棒
Other forms
成り木責め 【なりきぜめ】成木責め 【なりきぜめ】成木責 【なりきぜめ】
成木責: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Kanji — 1 found

10 strokes. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
uncanny, weird, threatening, horrible
On: セイ サイ
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Sentences — 12 found

  • jreibun/82/1
    • やみきんぎょうしゃ闇金業者
    • しゃっきん借金
    • をして返済が困難になれば、
    • ほうがい法外な
    • りそく利息
    • を請求され続けて
    • いえ
    • や職場に脅迫電話をかけられ、
    • あげくのは挙げ句の果て
    • に自殺にまで追い込まれる場合もある。
    If a debtor can’t repay a debt to a loan shark, he or she may be continually charged exorbitant interest rates, receive threatening phone calls at his or her home or workplace, and may, in extreme cases, even be driven to the point of committing suicide. Jreibun
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