

Words — 9 found

I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. dangerous; risky; hazardous; perilous; precarious
  • ひじょう非常に
  • あぶ危ない
Fire is very dangerous.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. in danger; in jeopardy; critical; grave; at risk
  • かれ
  • いのち
  • あぶ危ない
His life is in danger.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
3. uncertain; unreliable; insecure; unsteady; doubtful
  • あぶ危ない
  • そらもよう空模様
The weather is threatening.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
4. close (call); narrow (escape)
  • かんいっぱつ間一髪
  • あぶ危ない
  • ところ
  • でした
That was a close call.
5. look out!; watch out!; be careful!
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. dangerous; perilous; threatening; stormy; volatile; tense; critical; serious
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. stern (expression); hostile (attitude); sharp; harsh
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. dangerous; in danger; facing imminent dangerusu. as 危ういところ
  • あや危うい
  • ところ
  • たす助かった
I had a narrow escape.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. precarious (situation); perilous (state, balance, etc.); in doubt; in jeopardy; uncertain; insecure; concerning; worrying
  • かれ
  • いま
  • にゅういん入院
  • ちゅう
  • いき生きられる
  • かどうか
  • あや危うい
  • じょうたい状態
He is now in the hospital and his life is in the balance.
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. risky; dangerous; hazardous; perilous; close (e.g. game); narrow (e.g. victory)Usually written using kana alone
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. suggestive; bordering on the obscene; risqué; delicate (e.g. question); questionable; shadyUsually written using kana alone
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
3. extreme; harsh; cruelArchaic
Other forms
際疾い 【きわどい】
際疾い: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. adventurous; risky; hazardous; perilous
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1. perilous pass (on a route or journey); rough spot
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1. dangerous situation; perilous position
2. pile of eggs
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1. dangerous area; perilous road
2. red-light district; house of ill repute; brothelSee also 岡場所 おかばしょ
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1. cliff edge; edge of a precipice
2. perilous position; critical moment; brink
Other forms
崖っ縁 【がけっぷち】崖縁 【がけぷち】崖縁 【がけぶち】
崖縁: Irregular okurigana usage. 崖縁: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Kanji — 2 found

23 strokes.
difficult, trying, be distressed, parent's funeral ceremony, mourning, perilous
On: カン ケン
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17 strokes.
difficult, trying, be distressed, parent's funeral ceremony, mourning, perilous
On: カン ケン
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