

Words — 6 found

1. surname; family name; last nameSee also 名前
2. Myouji
Wikipedia definition
3. Japanese namein modern times usually consist of a family name, followe... Read more
Other forms
名字 【みょうじ】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. surname; family name; last name
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1. last name; surname; family nameSee also ファーストネーム
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Noun, used as a prefix
1. last (i.e. immediately preceding); previous; ex-; former
  • ぜん
  • がいしょう外相
  • こうてつ更迭
  • つづ続く
  • せいじ政治
  • こんらん混乱
  • その
  • しょうちょう象徴
  • である
The dismissal of foreign minister Tanaka is symbolic of the continuing political turmoil.
Noun, used as a prefix
2. pre- (e.g. premodern)before the name of an era
Noun, used as a suffix
3. beforeafter a noun
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
4. before; earlierDated term, See also 前 まえ
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Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Adverb (fukushi)
1. bang; bam; boom; thud; thump; crashOnomatopoeic or mimetic word
  • えんぜつしゃ演説者
  • こぶし
  • テーブル
  • どん
  • たたいた
The speaker banged the table with his fist.
2. noontime signal gun (carried out early Meiji to Taishō); noon gun; noonday gunSee also 午砲
3. last round in a game of 12 roundsHanafuda, Slang
4. precisely; exactly; plumb; totally; verySee also
5. Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -sanHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, Familiar language, Only applies to どん, See also 殿 どの, southern Kyushu equiv. of -さん
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ひといちだいまつだい 一代名末代
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. the worthy will be remembered; humans (last) one generation; names (last) foreverProverb
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Sentences — 7 found

  • jreibun/4451/1
    • みょうじ名字
    • が変わると、パスポートや運転免許証の氏名変更など
    • しゅじゅ種々
    • てつづ手続き
    • が必要になる。
    When a person changes his or her last name due to marriage or other reasons, various actions are required, such as changing the name on a passport or driver’s license. Jreibun
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