

Words — 102 found

1. teacher; instructor; masterArchaic, See also 先生 せんせい
2. previous existenceBuddhism, Archaic, See also 前生
Other forms
先生 【せんしょう】先生 【ぜんじょう】
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1. life; lifetime; career
  • おば叔母
  • しあわ幸せな
  • しょうがい生涯
  • おく送った
My aunt lived a happy life.
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
2. for life; all one's life; throughout one's life; as long as one lives
  • かれ
  • しょうがい生涯
  • どくしん独身
  • まま
  • だった
He remained a bachelor all his life.
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1. dharmakaya (dharma body, Buddhism's highest form of existence)Buddhism, See also 三身
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2. DharmakāyaThe Dharmakāya is one of the three bodies of the Buddha i... Read more
Other forms
法身 【ほうしん】
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1. alaya-vijnana (store consciousness, consciousness forming the base of all human existence)Buddhism
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2. Eight ConsciousnessesThe Eight Consciousnesses is a classification developed i... Read more
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どうとくてきしょうめい 道徳的証明
1. argument from morality (for the existence of God)See also 神の存在証明
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1. the four kalpa (formation, existence, destruction, nothingness)Buddhism, See also
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かくにんせいぶつ 未確認生物
1. cryptid (animal whose existence is unsubstantiated, e.g. the yeti)See also UMA
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1. theism (as refers to the existence of a personal Christian god)Rare term, See also 有神論
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1. cryptid (animal whose existence is unsubstantiated, e.g. the yeti)Wasei, word made in Japan, See also 未確認生物, From English “U(nidentified) M(ysterious) A(nimal)”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
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1. vijnapti-matrata (theory that all existence is subjective and nothing exists outside of the mind)Buddhism
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1. Shenxian thought (ancient Chinese folk belief in the existence of mountain wizards)
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にんげんがくてきしょうめい 人間学的証明
1. anthropological argument (one of Descartes' ontological arguments for the existence of God)
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1. complete emptiness (i.e. as a denial of the inherent existence of all things); nirvana (where this emptiness is realized)Buddhism
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. quiet and lonelyArchaic
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1. truth of the middle (all things are in a middle state, being void yet having temporary existence)Buddhism, See also 三諦
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かくにんどうぶつ 未確認動物
1. cryptid (animal whose existence is unsubstantiated, e.g. the yeti)See also UMA
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2. CryptidIn cryptozoology and sometimes in cryptobotany, a cryptid... Read more
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1. endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existencesBuddhism, Yojijukugo (four character compound)
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1. two existences; the present and the futureBuddhism
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1. Yang–Mills existence and mass gapIn mathematics, the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap pro... Read more
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1. Existence precedes essenceThe proposition that existence precedes essence (French: ... Read more
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1. Existence theoremIn mathematics, an existence theorem is a theorem with a ... Read more
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