

Words — 70 found

1. panic; scare; alarm
2. panic; financial panicEconomics, Finance
Wikipedia definition
3. Crisis theoryCrisis theory is generally associated with Marxian econom... Read more
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1. alarm (fire, burglar, railroad-crossing, etc.); sensor
Other forms
警報機 【けいほうき】
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1. alarm clockAbbreviation, See also 目覚まし時計
2. waking up; keeping oneself awake
3. early-morning treat (traditionally given to children in some parts of Japan); wake-up sweetSee also おめざ
Other forms
目覚し 【めざまし】目ざまし 【めざまし】
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1. horn; alarm; whistle; foghorn
Wikipedia definition
2. Horn (acoustic)A horn is a tapered sound guide designed to provide an ac... Read more
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Noun, Noun, used as a prefix
1. alarm; emergency; sudden contingency; alert
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どけい 目覚時計
1. alarm clock
Wikipedia definition
2. Alarm clockAn alarm clock is a clock that is designed to make a loud... Read more
Other forms
目覚し時計 【めざましどけい】
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1. buzzer; personal alarm (loud buzzer to attract attention in case of attack)
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Adverb (fukushi), Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Suru verb
1. (with a) start; fright; alarmOnomatopoeic or mimetic word
  • その
  • 問い
  • ギクリと
  • させられた
  • あたま
  • 何でもない
  • いい
  • そうに
  • よこ
  • 振る
Kei is startled by that question, but shakes her head as it to say that it's nothing.
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Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Adverb (fukushi), Suru verb
1. (feeling a chill or shiver) suddenly; (feeling) chilly; chillilyUsually written using kana alone, usu. ひやりとする
Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Adverb (fukushi), Suru verb
2. with a sudden sense of dread (or fear, etc.); (being) suddenly (afraid, frightened, etc.); suddenly (breaking out in a cold sweat); frighteninglyUsually written using kana alone, usu. ひやりとする
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1. false rumor (rumour); groundless rumor; misinformationAbbreviation, See also デマゴギー
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1. alarm bell; fire bell
2. warning; wake-up call
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. false report; incorrect report; misinformation; false alarm
Wikipedia definition
2. MisinformationMisinformation is false or inaccurate information that is... Read more
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Kanji — 3 found

11 strokes.
instigate, incite, to alarm
Kun: いさ.む
On: ヨウ トウ
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11 strokes.
regret, be sorry, alarmed
Kun: なげ.く
On: ワン
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11 strokes.
agitated, alarmed
On: コウ オウ
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Sentences — 46 found

  • jreibun/8330/1
    • きんきゅうじしんそくほう緊急地震速報
    • のけたたましい
    • けいほうおん警報音
    • あわ慌てて
    • みがま身構えた
    • が、
    • ごほう誤報
    • だと分かり
    • ひょうしぬ拍子抜け
    • した。
    The loud screech of an early warning earthquake siren made me panic and brace myself for the earthquake, but I was relieved when I found out that it was a false alarm. Jreibun
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