

Words — 1855 found

1. university; college
  • あなた
  • りかけい理科系
  • だいがく大学
  • すす進んだ
  • ほうがいい
You should go on to a technical college.
2. former imperial university of Japan (established under the ritsuryō system for the training of government administrators)Historical term, Abbreviation, See also 大学寮
  • ごうかくしゃ合格者
  • かはんすう過半数
  • だいがく大学
  • しゅっしんしゃ出身者
  • であった
The majority of the successful candidates were university graduates.
3. the Great Learning (one of the Four Books)See also 四書
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4. UniversityA university is an institution of higher education and re... Read more
Other forms
大學 【だいがく】
大學: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. advancing to the next stage of education; going on to (high school, college, etc.)
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. outside the school; outside the university; unaffiliated with the university; off-campus; extramural
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1. university graduate; bachelor
2. bachelor's degree
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3. Bachelor's degreeA bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded... Read more
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1. medical university; medical college; medical schoolAbbreviation, See also 医科大学
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1. university (operated under post-war guidelines)
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だいとうていこく 大東亜帝国
1. Daito Bunka University, Tokai University, Asia University, Teikyo University and Kokushikan University (or Kokugakuin University) (group of similarly ranked private universities in Tokyo)
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1. Meiji University, Aoyama Gakuin University, Rikkyo University, Chuo University, Hosei University (group of similarly ranked private universities in Tokyo)
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1. university graduate; having graduated from universityAbbreviation, from 大学卒業
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1. private university
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2. Private universityPrivate universities are universities not operated by gov... Read more
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1. Nihon University, Toyo University, Komazawa University and Senshu University (group of similarly ranked private universities in Tokyo)
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1. Kansai University, Kwansei Gakuin University, Doshisha University and Ritsumeikan University (four leading private universities in the Kansai region)
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1. Waseda University, Keio University, Sophia University and the Tokyo University of Science (four highly selective private universities in Tokyo)
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Prefix, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. large; big; great; huge; vast; major; important; serious; severe
  • あらし
  • さくもつ作物
  • だい
  • そんがいをあた損害を与えた
The storm did great harm to the crop.
2. great; prominent; eminent; distinguished
3. -sized; as big as; the size of
  • しばたた瞬く
  • うち
  • テニスボール
  • だい
  • だんご団子
  • きえさ消え去った
In the blink of an eye, the tennis-ball-sized dumpling had disappeared.
Noun, used as a suffix
4. universityAbbreviation, See also 大学
  • かのじょ彼女
  • ハーバード
  • だい
  • にゅうがく入学
  • した
She was accepted at Harvard.
5. large (e.g. serving size); large option
  • だい
  • しょう
Large or small?
6. long month (i.e. having 31 days)Abbreviation, See also 大の月
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1. women's college; women's university
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2. Women's collegesWomen's colleges in higher education are undergraduate, b... Read more
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1. Kyoto Sangyo University, Kindai University, Konan University and Ryukoku University (group of similarly ranked private universities in the Kansai region)
Other forms
産近甲竜 【さんきんこうりゅう】
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1. University of Miyazaki (formed from the merger of Miyazaki University and Miyazaki Medical College in 2003)Organization name
2. Miyazaki University (1949-2003)Organization name
3. Miyazaki University; University of Miyazaki
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4. University of MiyazakiUniversity of Miyazaki is a national university in Miyaza... Read more
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Sentences — 203 found

  • jreibun/5998/1
    • おおゆき大雪
    • のため交通機関がストップし、そのため大学の
    • ぜん
    • こうぎ講義
    • きゅうこう休講
    • になった。
    Due to heavy snow, transportation services were suspended; therefore, all the classes at our university were cancelled. Jreibun
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Names — 42 found

がくげいだいがくえき 【学芸大学駅】
Train station
1. Gakugei University Station
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2. Gakugei-daigaku StationGakugei-daigaku Station is an elevated station, located i... Read more
こまざわだいがくえき 【駒沢大学駅】
Train station
1. Komazawa University Station
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2. Komazawa-daigaku StationKomazawa-daigaku Station is a train station located in th... Read more
けんりつだいがくえき 【県立大学駅】
Train station
1. Kenritsu University Station
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2. Kenritsu Daigaku StationKenritsu Daigaku Station is a railway station operated by... Read more
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