Words — 32 found
1. vibrancy; strength; bravery; manliness
2. one's prime (around age 30; esp. of a man)
3. counter for cones or sticks of moxa burned on the skin (in moxibustion)also written as 草
1. prosperous; flourishing; thriving; successful
- にほん日本
- で
- は
- えいごきょういく英語教育
- が
- さか盛ん
- である 。
2. popular; widespread
- われわれ我々
- の
- くに国
- で
- は
- ウインタースポーツ
- が
- さか盛ん
- だ 。
3. active; lively; energetic; vigorous; brisk; strong
- かれ彼
- は
- まだ
- げんき元気
- さか盛ん
- だ 。
4. enthusiastic; eager; hearty; frequent; repeated
- いし医師
- は
- きつえん喫煙
- に
- かん関する
- けいこく警告
- を
- さか盛んに
- だ出し
- つづけ続けている 。
旺ん 【さかん】、壮ん 【さかん】
旺ん: Rarely-used kanji form. 壮ん: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. magnificent spectacle; thrilling sight; grand view
1. magnificent; grand; splendid; imposing
1. heroic; fierce; grand; sublime; magnificent
1. ambitious (heroic) undertaking; daring enterprise; grand scheme
1. heroic; brave
1. youth; young man who has reached adulthood (conscription age)
1. young man in his prime; swaggerer; ruffian
1. person in his or her prime; man in his prime; woman in her prime
1. healthy; robust
1. sublime, magnificent beauty
1. great ambition; lofty aspiration