

3 strokes
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1
JLPT level N5
14 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 三 【サン】 three, 3
  • 三 【サン】 three
  • 十三 【ジュウサン】 thirteen, 13, king
  • 七三 【シチサン】 7 or 3 ratio, hair parted on one side
  • 四三 【シソウ】 one four-of-a-kind and one three-of-a-kind in a dealt hand, three and a four (in dice games)

Kun reading compounds

  • 三 【さん】 three, 3
  • 三十日 【みそか】 last day of the month
  • 三つ 【みっつ】 three, three years of age
  • 三つ折り 【みつおり】 threefold, folded in three
  • 三つ 【みっつ】 three, three years of age
  • 3つの密 【みっつのみつ】 three Cs, three conditions that facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact)


Japanese names:
か、 さ、 さい、 さえ、 さぶ、 ざ、 ざえ、 ざぶ、 そう、 ぞ、 ただ、 みつ、 みん、 も、 や
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • tres
  • 3


  • três


  • trois
3 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
3 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
23 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
10 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
8 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
3 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
4 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
22 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
1.A Japanese for Busy People
4 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
4 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
3 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
5 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
2423 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1225 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1689 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
3 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
12 Morohashi
1924 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
8 New Nelson (John Haig)
3 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
3 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
21 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
10 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
3072 2001 Kanji
0a3.1 The Kanji Dictionary
2-1-2 SKIP code
1010.1 Four corner code
1-27-16 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
4e09 Unicode hex code

13 strokes
man, human 人 (亻)
greatness, excellence
Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high
JLPT level N1
1926 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 傑 【ケツ】 the top (e.g. top ten), the best
  • 傑人 【ケツジン】 outstanding person, distinguished person, person of high caliber
  • 豪傑 【ゴウケツ】 hero, bold person, daring person, great person, extraordinary person
  • 英傑 【エイケツ】 great person, hero, mastermind, extraordinary person

Kun reading compounds

  • 優れる 【すぐれる】 to surpass, to outstrip, to excel


Japanese names:
すぐ、 たけ、 まさ
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • grandeza
  • excelencia
  • excelente


  • grandeza
  • excelência


  • grandeur
  • excellence
1211 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
1601 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
517 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
1208 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1063 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
1827 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
1731 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1849 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1431 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
127 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
175 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
115 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
133 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1008 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
955 Morohashi
155 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
293 New Nelson (John Haig)
999 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1074 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
1606 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
2164 2001 Kanji
2a11.6 The Kanji Dictionary
1-2-11 SKIP code
2529.4 Four corner code
1-23-70 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
5091 Unicode hex code