
is 10,000

Words — 263 found

1. 10,000; ten thousand萬 is sometimes used in legal documents
  • まん
  • ガロン
  • せきゆ石油
  • パイプライン
  • から
  • あふれで溢れ出た
400,000 gallons of oil have spilled out of the pipeline.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. myriad
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
3. everything; allOnly applies to よろず
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
4. variousArchaic, Only applies to よろず
Other forms
万 【よろず】萬 【まん】萬 【よろず】
萬: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 萬: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. completely; absolutely; totallywith neg. sentence
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1. fountain pen
Wikipedia definition
2. Fountain penA fountain pen is a nib pen that, unlike its predecessor ... Read more
Other forms
万年筆 【まんねんぴつ】万年筆 【まんねんふで】
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1. (unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario); 10000 to 1
  • まんいち万一
  • ばあい場合
  • そな備えて
  • ちょきん貯金
  • する
  • けんめい賢明
It is wise to save money for a rainy day.
Adverb (fukushi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. (if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that
  • まんいち万一
  • かれ
  • こちら
  • きたら
  • すぐ
  • 知らせます
If by any chance he comes here, I'll let you know at once.
Other forms
万一 【ばんいち】万一 【まんいつ】万一 【ばんいつ】
ばんいち: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. まんいつ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. ばんいつ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. all-purpose; utility; universal
  • もちろん
  • ばんのう万能
  • ではない
  • からといって
  • かち価値
  • ない
  • わけではない
  • から
  • 、GTD
  • ダメ
  • いう
  • こと
  • には
  • ならない
Of course you can't say that it's worth nothing because it isn't perfect, so that doesn't mean that GTD is useless.
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
2. all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent; all-round (e.g. athlete)
  • にんげん人間
  • かみ
  • ほど
  • ばんのう万能
  • ではない
Man is not as almighty as God.
3. Mannou
Other forms
万能 【まんのう】
まんのう: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. shoplifting; shoplifter
Wikipedia definition
2. ShopliftingShoplifting (also known as boosting; five-finger discount... Read more
Other forms
万引 【まんびき】
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1. universal gravitationPhysics
Wikipedia definition
2. Newton's law of universal gravitationNewton's law of universal gravitation states that every p... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. banzai; hurray; hurrah; hooraycelebratory cheer; trad. shouted while raising both arms in the air
  • かれ
  • きん金メダル
  • とった
  • という
  • 知らせ
  • きき
  • わたし私たち
  • ばんざい万歳
  • さけ叫んだ
We cried banzai at the news that he won the gold medal.
2. something to cheer about; something worthy of celebration
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
3. giving up; throwing one's hands up
4. eternal life and prosperity
  • じょおう女王
  • ばんざい万歳
Long live the Queen!
Other forms
万才 【ばんざい】バンザイ
万才: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. (if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that; 10000 to 1See also 万一
  • まんがいち万が一
  • きがか気が変わったら
  • 知らせて
  • くだ下さい
If you change your mind, let me know.
2. (unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario)See also 万一
  • まんがいち万が一
  • そな備えて
  • ぶき武器
  • になる
  • もの
  • さが探した
I looked around for a weapon just in case.
Other forms
万が一 【まんがいつ】
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. unanimity; unanimous consent; unanimous agreementYojijukugo (four character compound), usu. as 〜で
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. perfection; flawlessness
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. all countries; the whole world; universal; all nations
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1. all people; everybody
  • ばんにん万人
  • きた来る
  • べき
  • もの
  • すべて
  • ひと
  • 死すべき
  • もの
  • なり
Death is certain to all, all shall die.
Other forms
万人 【ばんじん】万人 【まんにん】
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. (not) altogether; (not) whollyUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
万更 【まんざら】
満更: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 万更: Irregular kanji usage.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. there is nothing more that can be done; it's all over
  • 今頃
  • かれ
  • ばんじきゅう万事休す
It is all up with him by this time.
Other forms
万事窮す 【ばんじきゅうす】
万事窮す: Irregular kanji usage.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. source of all kinds of diseases
Other forms
万病のもと 【まんびょうのもと】
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Kanji — 1 found

3 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.
ten thousand, 10,000
Kun: よろず
On: マン バン
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Sentences — 531 found

  • jreibun/5246/3
    • れんたい連帯
    • ほしょうにん保証人
    • になったばかりに
    • すうせんまんえん数千万円
    • もの借金を
    • せお背負わされた
    I was saddled with tens of millions of yen in debt because I had trusted a friend and become his joint surety. Jreibun
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Names — 1556 found

あら 【万】
1. Ara
すすむ 【万】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Susumu
つもる 【万】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Tsumoru
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