
せんたんきょうしょう 先端恐怖症
1. aichmophobia (fear of sharply pointed objects); belonephobia
Wikipedia definition
2. TrypanophobiaTrypanophobia, often referred to as needle phobia, is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. It is occasionally referred to as aichmophobia, belonephobia, or enetophobia, names that are technically incorrect because they simply denote a “fear of pins/needles” and do not refer to the medical aspect of trypanophobia. Trypanophobia is a term that is rarely used, even among medical professionals.
Read “Trypanophobia” on English Wikipedia
Read “先端恐怖症” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Trypanophobia” on DBpedia
Other forms
尖端恐怖症 【せんたんきょうふしょう】


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