Words — 67 found
1. to pile up; to stack
- なが流し
- の
- よこ横
- に
- おさらお皿
- を
- つ積んで
- おいて
- くだされば 、
- あと後で
- わたし私
- が
- あら洗います 。
2. to load (car, ship, etc.); to pack
- その
- ふね船
- は
- ぶき武器
- を
- いっぱいに
- つ積んでいた 。
3. to acquire; to accumulate
- かれ彼
- は
- はばひろ幅広い
- けいけん経験
- を
- つ積んでいる
- ひと人
- だ 。
1. mountain; hill
- たか高い
- やま山
- の
- ちょうじょう頂上
- は
- くうき空気
- が
- うす薄い 。
2. mine
3. (mountain) forest
4. heap; pile; stack; mountain
- せんたくもの洗濯物
- の
- やま山
- を
- み見
- ながら 、
- わたし私
- は
- ためいきため息をついた 。
5. protruding or high part of an object; crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw); tread (of a tire)
6. climax; peak; critical point
7. guess; speculation; gamble
- うまく
- あの
- せんせい先生
- の
- やま
- を
- あ当てた
- わね 。
8. (criminal) case; crimeSlang, Usually written using kana alone, police and crime reporter jargon; usu. written as ヤマ
9. mountain climbing; mountaineering
12. wall; wall tileMahjong
13. wildbefore the name of a plant or animal
1. to pile up; to heap up; to stack up; to put on top of another
- つくえ机
- の
- うえ上
- には
- まんがぼん漫画本
- が
- かさ重ねて
- あった 。
2. to repeat many times over; to go through repeatedly; to accumulate
- かれ彼
- は
- あくじ悪事
- を
- かさ重ねた 。
1. stack
2. stack (data structure)Computing
3. Stack (abstract data type)In computer science, a stack is a last in, first out abst... Read more
1. deck (from which players draw cards); draw pile; stockCard games
2. tag verifying one has permission to take plants and trees from common land (Edo period)Historical term
1. piling up high (food in a bowl); filling (a bowl); heaped bowl
てんこ盛 【てんこもり】、天こ盛り 【てんこもり】、天こ盛 【てんこもり】
天こ盛り: Rarely-used kanji form. 天こ盛: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. LAMP; solution stack of free, open source softwareComputing, from initials of Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
1. library; book storage; stack room
1. to serve (in a bowl, on a plate, etc.); to dish out; to dish up; to fill (a bowl) with
2. to pile up; to heap up; to fill up; to stack up
3. to administer (medicine, poison); to dose out; to prescribe
4. to put into (e.g. information in a report, meaning in a statement)
5. to mark out (e.g. scale); to graduate (e.g. thermometer)
6. to exaggerate; to apply heavy makeupSlang