

Words — 24 found

Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. reinforcement; strengthening
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. reinforcement; augmentation; strengthening; increase; buildup
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. reinforcementPsychology
Wikipedia definition
3. ReinforcementReinforcement is a term in operant conditioning and behav... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. relief; rescue
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement
  • なにごと何事
  • 起ころう
  • とも
  • きみ
  • おうえん応援
  • する
I will stand by you whatever happens.
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. cheering; rooting (for); support
  • かのじょ彼女
  • じぶん自分
  • ひいき
  • うま
  • おうえん応援
  • した
She cheered for her favorite horse.
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. reinforcement (e.g. of troops)
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1. reinforcement
Other forms
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1. reinforcementAbbreviation, See also リインホースメント
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1. shoulder pad; shoulder reinforcement; epaulet
2. cloak worn in bed
Wikipedia definition
3. Shoulder restThe shoulder rest is an accessory that can be found on vi... Read more
Other forms
肩当 【かたあて】肩あて 【かたあて】
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1. (vehicle) lane
2. lane (in swimming)Sports
3. bowling laneSports
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. military reinforcement
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1. ground reinforcement; soil stabilization; foundation improvement
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1. reinforcement learningComputing
Wikipedia definition
2. Reinforcement learningInspired by behaviorist psychology, reinforcement learnin... Read more
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1. main reinforcement (in a reinforced-concrete structure)
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. staunch; hardcore; dyed-in-the-wool
2. metal reinforcementorig. meaning
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. assistance; backing; reinforcements
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Sentences — 1 found

  • jreibun/8992/2
    • しみんたいいくかん市民体育館
    • たてもの建物
    • ろうきゅうか老朽化
    • が進んでおり、
    • げんざい現在
    • たいしんほきょうこうじ耐震補強工事
    • おこな行われて
    • いる。
    The civic gymnasium is old and deteriorating. It is currently undergoing renovation for seismic reinforcement. Jreibun
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