

Words — 58 found

かい 会議
1. Davos Conference; Davos Convention; World Economic Forum
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1. word of mouthSee also マスコミ
2. comments written online (about a product, service, etc.); online reviews
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3. Word of mouthWord of mouth, or viva voce, is the passing of informatio... Read more
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1. word of mouthInternet slang, See also 口コミ, intentional misspelling of 口コミ
2. comments written online (about a product, service, etc.); online reviewsInternet slang
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc.); submission; post (on a blog, social media, etc.)
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1. The Forum (Inglewood)The Forum (known for a 15-year period as the Great Wester... Read more
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. official; governmental; formal
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
2. public (use, matter, forum, etc.); commonAntonym: 私 わたくし
  • おお多く
  • くに
  • おおやけ
  • ばしょ場所
  • きつえん喫煙
  • きんし禁止
  • する
  • ほうりつ法律
  • つうか通過
  • させている
Many countries have passed laws to prohibit people from smoking in public places.
3. being public knowledge; being out in the open; exposure to public viewSee also 公にする, as 公にする or 公になる
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1. multiposting (on a newsgroup, forum, etc.); multi-postingNetworking, WWW
  • アフィ
  • ねら狙い
  • 釣り
  • きじ記事
  • です
  • えいご英語
  • かんけい関係
  • コミュ
  • あちこち
  • マルチポスト
  • しています
It's a troll trying for click-throughs. It's being multiposted in English-related communities all over the place.
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1. 2channel (Japanese online forum)
2. 2channel (Japanese online forum)
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. fixing (in place); being fixed (in place); securing; anchoring; fastening down
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
2. fixing (e.g. salary, capital); keeping the same
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
3. fixation (histology)Biology
4. user name (on an online forum like 2ch where the majority of users post anonymously)Internet slang, Abbreviation, See also 固定ハンドル
5. user of an online handle (instead of posting anonymously)Internet slang, Abbreviation, See also 固定ハンドル
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6. Fixation
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1. 2channel (Japanese online forum)Company name
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1. (ship's) anchorSee also
2. anchor (final runner or swimmer in a relay race)Sports
  • かいとう回答
  • には
  • アンカー
  • かなら必ず
  • つけて
  • くだ下さい
  • はんかく半角
  • ">>"+
  • すうじ数字
  • れい
  • : >>1)
  • です
Please ensure you always include a link-back in your replies. ">>" in plain ASCII + number (e.g. >>1).
3. (news) anchor; anchormanAbbreviation, See also アンカーマン
4. anchor (in HTML)Networking, WWW
5. link to a previous post (on a message board)Networking, WWW, See also レスアンカー, also アンカ
6. anchor (soccer position)Sports
7. anchor boltAbbreviation, See also アンカーボルト
8. anchor (escapement)See also アンクル
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1. seeking a venue (usu. for litigation)Wasei, word made in Japan, From English “forum shopping”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
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2. Forum shoppingForum shopping is the informal name given to the practice... Read more
Other forms
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民主主義回復 ()
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1. Forum for Restoration of Democracy (Tanzania)The Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD) is a po... Read more
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民主主義回復 ()
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1. Forum for the Restoration of DemocracyForum for the Restoration of Democracy was a political pa... Read more
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1. Forum of CaesarThe Forum of Caesar, also known as Forum Iulium or Forum ... Read more
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1. Forum for the Restoration of Democracy – AsiliThe Forum for the Restoration of Democracy–Asili is a pol... Read more
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1. Democratic Forum for Labour and LibertiesThe Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties, also refer... Read more
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1. Forum BoariumThe Forum Boarium was the cattle forum venalium of Ancien... Read more
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1. Forum CopenhagenForum Copenhagen (or Forum København) in Frederiksberg in... Read more
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1. Boao Forum for AsiaThe Boao Forum for Asia, abbreviated to BFA, is a non-pro... Read more
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