

Words — 200 found

I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. easy; plain; simpleUsually written using kana alone, Antonym: 難しい むずかしい
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. easy; simple
  • かれ
  • かのじょ彼女
  • あんい安易
  • えさ
  • 誘き寄せた
He lured her with trinkets.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. easygoing; lighthearted; simplistic; irresponsible; careless; quick (to do)
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. easy; easygoing; carefree; happy-go-lucky; optimistic; leisurely; careless; thoughtlessUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
暢気 【のんき】暖気 【のんき】
呑気: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 暢気: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 暖気: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. easy; simple; informal; offhand; cheap
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. easy
  • 言う
  • やす易く
  • おこな行う
  • むずか難し
It's easier said than done.
Suffix, I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. likely to ...; have a tendency to ...Usually written using kana alone, after -masu stem of verb
  • かれ
  • ひと
  • なまえ名前
  • わす忘れ
  • やすい
He is apt to forget people's name.
Suffix, I-adjective (keiyoushi)
3. easy to ...Usually written using kana alone, after -masu stem of verb
  • あくしゅう悪習
  • 身につき
  • やすい
Bad habits are easy to get into.
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. easy; simple; lightUsually written using kana alone
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. simple; easy; uncomplicated
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. brief; quick; light
Other forms
簡短 【かんたん】簡端 【かんたん】
簡短: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 簡端: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. easy; simple; ready
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. casual; off-hand; easy-going; careless; artless
  • かのじょ彼女
  • かみ
  • むぞうさ無造作
  • たばね束ねている
She is doing her hair simply.
Other forms
無雑作 【むぞうさ】
無雑作: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. easy; simple; plain
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'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. quiet; calm; leisurely; composed
Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Adverb (fukushi)
2. easily; comfortably; without difficulty
'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
3. distant; far-off; boundless; endless; eternal
Other forms
悠悠 【ゆうゆう】
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. easy; simpleUsually written using kana alone
  • こんな
  • デカイ
  • チャリ
  • にだい荷台
  • 乗る
  • わけない
  • だろ
There's no way one that big is going to go on a bike's luggage rest.
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
2. there's no way that ...Usually written using kana alone, See also わけがない, contraction of わけがない
Other forms
訳ない 【わけない】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. easy; trifling; harmless; of no concern; nothingUsually written using kana alone
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. nothing of the sort; not at allUsually written using kana alone, See also ではない, in the form of 〜でもなんでもない
Other forms
何でも無い 【なんでもない】
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びょう 拍子
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. easy; smooth; without a hitch; quickSee also トントン, most frequently used adverbially as ~に
Other forms
とんとん拍子 【とんとんびょうし】とんとん拍子 【とんとんひょうし】
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. easy
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. loose; slack
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. gentle (slope, curve); slow (speed)
  • かくど角度
  • ひろ広ければ
  • ひろ広い
  • ほど
  • スピード
  • ゆる緩やか
  • になる
The wider the V angle, the slower the speed.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
3. lenient; liberal; lax
  • この
  • がっこう学校
  • きりつ規律
  • やや
  • ゆる緩やか
Discipline is rather mild at this school.
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Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. comfort; ease; relief; (at) peace; relaxation
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. easy; simple; without trouble; without hardships
  • ちかごろ近頃
  • りょこう旅行
  • らく
Travelling is easy these days.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
3. (economically) comfortable
4. raku potteryAbbreviation, See also 楽焼き
5. sukha (happiness)Buddhism, Antonym:
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. gently sloping; gentle; gradual; easy
  • みち
  • なだらか
  • 上がり
  • になっていた
The road climbed gradually.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. smooth (process); gentle (e.g. tone of voice); slow (e.g. growth)
  • にほん日本
  • における
  • ことし今年
  • ちんあ賃上げ
  • なだらか
  • もの
  • だった
Wage settlements in Japan this year were moderate.
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Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. easy (e.g. explanation, description); plain; familiarUsually written using kana alone
Noun or verb acting prenominally
2. informal (e.g. greeting, expression); friendly; affable (e.g. person)Usually written using kana alone
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. light; easy; non-serious; minor
Other forms
軽やか 【かるやか】
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Kanji — 9 found

8 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
easy, ready to, simple, fortune-telling, divination
On: エキ
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10 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
peaceful, calm, peace, easy, Thailand, extreme, excessive, great
On: タイ
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16 strokes. Jinmeiyō kanji.
wild duck, easy mark
Kun: かも あひる
On: オウ
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11 strokes.
easy, smooth, quiet, suave
Kun: の.べる
On: エン セン
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Sentences — 434 found

  • jreibun/3651/1
    • ひがしがわ東側
    • を進む登山コースは、歩きやすく整備されているので、
    • しょしんしゃ初心者
    • には最適だ。
    The trail that follows the east side of the mountain is well maintained for an easy walk, making it ideal for beginners. Jreibun
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