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Words — 634 found

1. Edo (shogunate capital; former name of Tokyo); YedoHistorical term
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2. Edo, also romanized as Yedo or Yeddo, is the former name of ... Read more
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1. Edo period (1603-1868)Historical term
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2. Edo periodThe Edo Period, or Tokugawa period, is a division of the ... Read more
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1. the Eastern Capital (now Tokyo); Yedo; Edo
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1. koban; small oval gold coin used in the Edo periodSee also 大判
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. oval; elliptical; oblongSee also 小判型
3. small size (of paper)See also 判 はん
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4. Koban (coin)The koban was a Japanese oval gold coin in Edo period feu... Read more
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1. Edo Castle (residence of the Shogun during the Edo period, now the site of the Tokyo Imperial Palace)
2. Edo Castle
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3. Edo Castle, also known as Chiyoda Castle, is a flatland castle that... Read more
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1. ukiyo-e; ukiyoe; Edo-period woodblock printArt, aesthetics, Historical term
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2. Ukiyo-eUkiyo-e (浮世絵, literally "pictures of the floating world")... Read more
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1. daimyo's alternating Edo residence; official attendance service (by a daimyo in the Edo period)Historical term
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2. Sankin-kōtaiwas a policy of the shogunate during most of the Edo peri... Read more
Other forms
参覲交代 【さんきんこうたい】参勤交替 【さんきんこうたい】
参覲交代: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form. 参勤交替: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. Edo miso; type of miso produced in the Tokyo area since the Edo period (usu. low-salt and made with rice koji)See also 味噌
Other forms
江戸みそ 【えどみそ】
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1. Edo geisha; geisha living and working inside Edo (not one of the red-light districts on its outskirts)Archaic
Other forms
江戸藝者 【えどげいしゃ】
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1. Edo chrysanthemum; variety of chrysanthemum originally cultivated in Edo
2. China aster (Callistephus chinensis)See also 蝦夷菊
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1. Little Edo; town or neighbourhood with an old townscape reminiscent of EdoSee also 小京都
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1. Edo RiverThe Edo River is a river in the Kantō region of Japan. It... Read more
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1. (true) Tokyoite; Edoite; Tokyo native; Edokko
Wikipedia definition
2. Edokkois a Japanese term referring to a person born and raised ... Read more
Other forms
江戸っ児 【えどっこ】
江戸っ児: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. handcuffs; manacles
2. confinement in chains (Edo-era judicial corporal punishment)Historical term, Only applies to 手鎖
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3. HandcuffsHandcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an ind... Read more
Other forms
手鎖 【てじょう】手鎖 【てぐさり】
手鎖: Rarely-used kanji form. てぐさり: Irregular kana usage. 手鎖: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. inn; tavern; hatago; Edo-period lodging for travellersHistorical term, See also 旅籠屋
2. basket used by travellers to carry food and other suppliesArchaic
3. basket used by travellers to carry horse fodderArchaic, orig. meaning
4. Hatago
Wikipedia definition
5. Hatagowere Edo period lodgings for travelers at shukuba (post s... Read more
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. widespread fires in Edo (often after earthquakes); flowers of EdoObsolete term
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1. ukiyo-zōshi; Edo-period genre of literature depicting everyday life of the merchant classHistorical term
Wikipedia definition
2. Ukiyozōshiis the first major genre of popular Japanese fiction, wri... Read more
Other forms
浮世草紙 【うきよぞうし】
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. care; looking after; help; assistance; aid
  • にほん日本
  • おや
  • 年をとる
  • つうれい通例
  • こども子供たち
  • せわ世話
  • になる
When parents get old in Japan, they are customarily looked after by their children.
2. trouble; bother
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
3. good offices; recommendation; introduction
  • かれ
  • ともだち友達
  • しんせつ親切な
  • せわ世話
  • その
  • しょく
  • 就いた
He obtained the post through the good offices of a friend.
4. everyday life; everyday affairs; everyday language
5. sewamono (Edo-period drama about contemporary life)Abbreviation, See also 世話物
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1. Shinsengumi; Edo-period police and military force dedicated to suppressing anti-shogunate activitiesHistorical term
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2. ShinsengumiFor the NHK television series, see Shinsengumi!. The Shin... Read more
Other forms
新撰組 【しんせんぐみ】
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Sentences — 22 found

  • jreibun/1491/1
    • えどじだい江戸時代
    • には、
    • えど江戸
    • と主要な
    • かくとし各都市
    • を結ぶいくつかの
    • かいどう街道
    • が整備された。
    • えど江戸
    • から
    • はままつ浜松
    • 経て
    • きょうと京都
    • までを結ぶ
    • とうかいどう東海道
    • もその
    • ひと一つ
    • で、幹線道路としてにぎわった。
    During the Edo period (1603-1867), several highways were constructed to connect Edo with major cities. One of them is the Tōkaidō Highway, which connected Edo and Kyōto via Hamamatsu, and was a bustling highway. Jreibun
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Names — 123 found

エドやまぐち 【エド山口】
Full name
1. Edo Yamaguchi
えど 【榎戸】
Family or surname
1. Edo
えど 【絵戸】
Family or surname
1. Edo
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