

Searched for でんき. You can also try a search for "denki".

Words — 131 found

1. electricity
  • この
  • エアコン
  • でんき電気
  • たりょう多量に
  • しょうひ消費
  • する
This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity.
2. (electric) light
  • でんき電気
  • 消す
  • わす忘れないで
Don't forget to turn the light off.
Wikipedia definition
3. ElectricityElectricity is the science, engineering, technology and p... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. biography; life story
Wikipedia definition
2. BiographyA biography is a detailed description or account of someo... Read more
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1. fantasy fiction; bizarre fiction
Wikipedia definition
2. ChuanqiChuanqi is a classical Chinese literary form of the Tang ... Read more
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1. light bulbSee also 白熱電球
Wikipedia definition
2. Incandescent light bulbThe incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incande... Read more
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でんどうしゃ 電気自動車
1. electric car; electric vehicle
Wikipedia definition
2. Electric carAn electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one... Read more
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1. electrode
Wikipedia definition
2. ElectrodeAn electrode is an electrical conductor used to make cont... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. electrolysisChemistry
Wikipedia definition
2. ElectrolysisIn chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a method ... Read more
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でんつうしんだいがく 電気通信大学
1. University of Electro-CommunicationsOrganization name
2. University of Electro-Communications
Wikipedia definition
3. University of Electro-CommunicationsThe University of Electro-Communications is a national un... Read more
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でんぎょうれんごうかい 電気事業連合会
1. Federation of Electric Power Companies; FEPCOrganization name
2. Federation of Electric Power Companies; FEPC
Wikipedia definition
3. Federation of Electric Power CompaniesThe Federation of Electric Power Companies, or FEPC for s... Read more
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でん 電気
1. electric razor; electric shaver
Other forms
電気かみそり 【でんきかみそり】電気剃刀 【でんきかみそり】
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でんりょうほう 電気療法
1. electroconvulsive therapy; ECT
Wikipedia definition
2. Electroconvulsive therapyElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electr... Read more
Other forms
電気痙攣療法 【でんきけいれんりょうほう】
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Names — 13 found

でんき 【伝喜】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Denki
でんきこうじょう 【電器工場】
1. Denki Factory
でんきグルーブ 【電気GROOVE】
Full name
1. Denki Groove
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