

Words — 169 found

1. refrigerator; fridge
Wikipedia definition
2. Refrigerator50x40px This article needs additional citations for verif... Read more
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Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
1. to finish; to stop; to end; to put an end to; to bring to a closeUsually written using kana alone
  • かいもの買い物
  • 済ませて
  • しまったら
  • でんわ電話
  • します
I will call you when I have done my shopping.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
2. to close (a business, etc.); to close down; to shut down; to shut upUsually written using kana alone
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
3. to put away; to put back; to keep; to storeUsually written using kana alone
  • ほん
  • ノート
  • しまいなさい
Put away your books and notebooks.
Auxiliary verb, Godan verb with 'u' ending
4. to do completely; to finishUsually written using kana alone, after the -te form of a verb
  • やって
  • しまった
  • こと
  • もど戻らない
What is done cannot be undone.
Auxiliary verb, Godan verb with 'u' ending
5. to do accidentally; to do without meaning to; to happen to doUsually written using kana alone, after the -te form of a verb
  • かのじょ彼女
  • たんらくてき短絡的
  • しこう思考
  • ひょうめんてき表面的
  • じょうほう情報
  • だけ
  • はんだん判断
  • して
  • しまう
She ends up making decisions based on superficial information because of her simplistic thinking.
Other forms
終う 【しまう】了う 【しまう】蔵う 【しまう】
仕舞う: Rarely-used kanji form. 終う: Rarely-used kanji form. 了う: Rarely-used kanji form. 蔵う: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. burying in the ground
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. having underground deposits
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1. Ministry of Finance (1869-2001)See also 財務省
2. Ministry of the Treasury (under the ritsuryō system)Historical term, See also 律令制
3. (former) Ministry of Finance
Wikipedia definition
4. Ministry of the TreasuryThe Ministry of the Treasury was a division of the eighth... Read more
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1. collection of books; (personal) library
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. (in one's) possession
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. inexhaustible supply
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. storage; preservation
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. cold storage; refrigeration
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1. storehouse with thick (earthen) walls; godown
Wikipedia definition
2. Kura (storehouse)are traditional Japanese storehouses. They are commonly d... Read more
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. internal (e.g. disk); built-in; equipped (with)
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1. Kshitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the underworld); Ksitigarbha; JizōAbbreviation
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1. warehouse; storehouse; cellar; magazine; granary; godown; depository; treasury; elevator
Other forms
倉 【くら】庫 【くら】
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1. sake brewery
2. wine cellar
3. bar; bar-room
4. Sakagura
Other forms
酒倉 【さかぐら】
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. garnering; collection
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1. brewery (sake, soy); brewer
2. warehouse overseerArchaic
Other forms
倉本 【くらもと】
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Kanji — 1 found

15 strokes. JLPT N2. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
storehouse, hide, own, have, possess
On: ゾウ ソウ
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