

Words — 504 found

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. traditional; customary; conventional
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. missionary work; proselytizing; preaching; evangelism
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1. (oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor
Other forms
言伝て 【ことづて】言づて 【ことづて】
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Godan verb with 'u' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to go along; to walk along; to follow
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1. heirloom; trump card; last resort; family tradition
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. secret (recipe, medicine, etc.); mysteries (e.g. of an art)
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. telepathy; tacit understanding; thought transference; communion of mind with mindYojijukugo (four character compound)
2. non-verbal Zen Buddhist transmission to a disciple of the central tenets of BuddhismBuddhism, Yojijukugo (four character compound)
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でんりょう 遺伝子治療
1. gene therapy
Wikipedia definition
2. Gene therapyinserted into an adenovirus. If the treatment is successf... Read more
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1. urban legend
Wikipedia definition
2. Urban legendAn urban legend, urban myth, urban tale, or contemporary ... Read more
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1. carrier pigeon; homing pigeon
Wikipedia definition
2. Homing pigeonThe homing pigeon is a variety of domestic pigeon derived... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. folklore
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. run (in a stocking)
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to hand down (a story, legend, etc.); to pass on (to the next generation)
  • この
  • みずうみ
  • について
  • ふしぎ不思議な
  • でんせつ伝説
  • いいつたえ言い伝えられている
A mysterious legend has been handed down about this lake.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to spread (a rumor, news, etc.); to circulate
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to send word; to pass on (a message)
Other forms
言伝える 【いいつたえる】
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1. hearsay; hearing secondhand; hearing through the grapevine
Other forms
人伝 【ひとづて】
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でんしょくひん 遺伝子組食品
1. genetically modified food; GM food
Other forms
遺伝子組換え食品 【いでんしくみかえしょくひん】
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