

11 strokes
silk 糸 (糹)
sire, good belt, gentleman
Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high
JLPT level N1
1790 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 紳士 【シンシ】 gentleman
  • 紳士協定 【シンシキョウテイ】 gentlemen's agreement
  • 貴紳 【キシン】 noble, men of rank, notables
  • 縉紳 【シンシン】 person of rank, person of status, ranked official


Japanese names:
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • noble
  • caballero


  • sire
  • cavalheiro
  • artigos p/ cavalheiros


  • gentilhomme
  • seigneur
  • écharpe de chevalier
1439 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
1080 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
3518 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
1645 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1628 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
1109 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1161 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1299 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1528 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
1690 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
901 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1221 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1373 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
27348 Morohashi
1334 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
4467 New Nelson (John Haig)
1361 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1461 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
1474 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
2755 2001 Kanji
6a5.2 The Kanji Dictionary
1-6-5 SKIP code
2590.6 Four corner code
1-31-34 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
7d33 Unicode hex code

3 strokes
scholar, bachelor
gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33)
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5
JLPT level N1
526 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 士 【シ】 man (esp. one who is well-respected), samurai, person (in a certain profession, esp. licensed), member
  • 士官 【シカン】 officer
  • 飛行士 【ヒコウシ】 pilot
  • 公認会計士 【コウニンカイケイシ】 certified public accountant

Kun reading compounds

  • 侍 【さむらい】 warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period), samurai, man in attendance (on a person of high standing), retainer
  • 二四六九士 【にしむくさむらい】 nishimuku samurai (mnemonic for remembering the months with fewer than 31 days)


Japanese names:
お、 ま
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • caballero
  • samurai
  • hombre


  • cavalheiro
  • samurai


  • gentilhomme
  • samouraï
  • radical samouraï (no. 33)
410 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
521 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
494 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
301 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1160 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
59 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1173 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
41 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
572 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
581 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
755 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
393 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
4213 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2129 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2877 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
325 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
5638 Morohashi
3405 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1117 New Nelson (John Haig)
319 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
341 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
386 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
441 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
1472 2001 Kanji
3p0.1 The Kanji Dictionary
4-3-2 SKIP code
4010.0 Four corner code
1-27-46 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
58eb Unicode hex code

8 strokes
metal, gold 金 (釒)


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 金 【キン】 gold (metal), gold (color), gold (medal), first place (prize), something of great value, something golden (e.g. silence), money, gold coin, sum (of money), Friday, karat (measure of purity of gold), carat, metal (fourth phase of Wu Xing), Jin dynasty (of China; 1115-1234), Chin dynasty, Jurchen dynasty, gold general, testicles
  • 金色 【キンイロ】 gold (colour, color)
  • 集金 【シュウキン】 money collection
  • 納金 【ノウキン】 payment
  • 金色 【キンイロ】 gold (colour, color)
  • 金剛 【コンゴウ】 vajra (indestructible substance), diamond, adamantine, thunderbolt, Indra's weapon, Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth
  • 鬱金 【ウコン】 turmeric (Curcuma domestica)
  • 葛鬱金 【クズウコン】 arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea)
  • 漉油 【コシアブラ】 Acanthopanax sciadophylloides (species of flowering plant related to the aralias)

Kun reading compounds

  • 金 【かね】 money, metal
  • 金持ち 【かねもち】 rich person, wealthy person
  • 細かい金 【こまかいかね】 small change
  • 汚れた金 【よごれたかね】 dirty money


Japanese names:
かん、 きむ、 こ、 この、 ん
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):
gim, geum


  • oro
  • dinero
  • metal


  • ouro


  • or
16 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
18 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
14 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
59 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
4815 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
18 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
94 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
664 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
1.A Japanese for Busy People
23 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
23 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
21 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1808 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
2552 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1302 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1771 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
275 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
40152 Morohashi
2057 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
6211 New Nelson (John Haig)
269 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
287 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
79 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
72 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
2872 2001 Kanji
8a0.1 The Kanji Dictionary
2-2-6 SKIP code
8010.9 Four corner code
1-22-66 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
91d1 Unicode hex code

14 strokes
long hair
hair of the head
Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high
JLPT level N3
1474 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 髪 【ハツ】 (a) hair
  • 理髪 【リハツ】 haircut
  • 毛髪 【モウハツ】 hair

Kun reading compounds

  • 髪 【かみ】 hair (on the head)
  • 髪型 【かみがた】 hair style, coiffure, hairdo
  • 黒髪 【くろかみ】 black hair
  • 波打つ髪 【なみうつかみ】 wavy hair


Japanese names:
がた、 ひげ
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • pelo
  • cabello


  • cabelo da cabeça


  • cheveux
1706 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
1344 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
5255 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
1224 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1018 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
1148 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1201 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1359 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1925 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
3528 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1821 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2477 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1943 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
45387P Morohashi
2846 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
6804 New Nelson (John Haig)
1924 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
2074 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
1745 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
3467 2001 Kanji
3j11.3 The Kanji Dictionary
2-10-4 SKIP code
7244.7 Four corner code
1-40-17 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
9aea Unicode hex code

6 strokes
woman, female
fond, pleasing, like something
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4
JLPT level N3
423 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 好 【コウ】 good
  • 好意 【コウイ】 kindness, favor, favour, friendliness, goodwill, affection, liking (for someone), love
  • 友好 【ユウコウ】 friendship
  • 同好 【ドウコウ】 similar tastes

Kun reading compounds

  • 好む 【このむ】 to like, to prefer
  • 好むと好まざるとにかかわらず 【このむとこのまざるとにかかわらず】 whether one likes it or not
  • 好く 【すく】 to like, to love, to be fond of
  • 良い 【よい】 good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable, sufficient, enough, ready, prepared, profitable (deal, business offer, etc.), beneficial, OK, all right, fine, no problem, easy to ...
  • いい男 【いいおとこ】 handsome man, looker, good guy, great guy, influential person (esp. in the yakuza), sumo wrestler
  • いい加減 【いいかげん】 irresponsible, perfunctory, careless, lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague, (already) enough, considerably, quite, rather, pretty
  • いい男 【いいおとこ】 handsome man, looker, good guy, great guy, influential person (esp. in the yakuza), sumo wrestler


Japanese names:
こ、 たか、 とし、 よし
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):
hao3, hao4


  • agradable
  • gustar algo
  • gustar
  • preferir


  • apaixonado
  • agradável
  • gostar


  • aimer bien
  • apprécié
  • agréable
503 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
859 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
308 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1191 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
882 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
152 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
413 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
2.11 Japanese for Busy People
104 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
104 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
244 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
432 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
240 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
155 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
184 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
100 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
6053 Morohashi
208 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1180 New Nelson (John Haig)
99 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
103 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
262 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
465 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
1747 2001 Kanji
3e2.1 The Kanji Dictionary
1-3-3 SKIP code
1-3-2 SKIP code
4744.7 Four corner code
1-25-05 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
597d Unicode hex code