

Words — 134 found

1. Chinausu. in compounds
2. Han dynasty (of China; 202 BCE-220 CE)Historical term
3. Han (majority Chinese ethnic group)
Noun, used as a suffix
4. manSee also 硬骨漢, oft. negative or aggressively masculine nuance
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1. man among men; man's manSlang, See also 漢 かん
Wikipedia definition
2. Han DynastyThe Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) was an imperial dynast... Read more
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Noun, Noun, used as a prefix
1. China (sometimes also used in ref. to Korea or other foreign countries)Archaic
Wikipedia definition
2. Han (state)Han was a state that existed during the Warring States Pe... Read more
Other forms
韓 【から】漢 【から】
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1. kanji; Chinese character
Wikipedia definition
2. Chinese charactersChinese characters are logograms used in the writing of C... Read more
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1. Chinese herbal medicine
Wikipedia definition
2. Chinese herbologyChinese herbology is the theory of traditional Chinese he... Read more
Other forms
韓方薬 【かんぽうやく】
韓方薬: Irregular kanji usage.
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1. Chinese classical writing; Chinese classics
2. writing composed entirely of kanji
Wikipedia definition
3. Classical ChineseClassical Chinese or Literary Chinese (古文 or 文言文) is a tr... Read more
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1. Chinese poem; Chinese poetry
Wikipedia definition
2. Kanshi (poetry)is a Japanese term for Chinese poetry in general as well ... Read more
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1. Japanese word of Chinese origin; Sino-Japanese word
2. language of the Han people; ChineseSee also 中国語
Wikipedia definition
3. Sino-Japanese vocabularySino-Japanese, or Kango in Japanese, refers to that porti... Read more
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1. China and Japan
2. Chinese and Japanese (languages)
3. dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionaryAbbreviation, See also 漢和辞典
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1. traditional Chinese medicineSee also 和方
Other forms
漢法 【かんぽう】
漢法: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionary
Other forms
漢和字典 【かんわじてん】
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1. kan-on; Han reading; on reading of a kanji based on Tang dynasty ChineseSee also 呉音 ごおん, See also 唐音 とうおん
Wikipedia definition
2. Kan-onKan-on is one of the sources of pronunciation of Japanese... Read more
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1. Chinese people; Han race
Wikipedia definition
2. Han ChineseHan Chinese or Han People are an ethnic group native to C... Read more
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1. Chinese book; book written in Chinese
Wikipedia definition
2. Book of HanThe Book of Han, Hanshu or History of the Former Han Dyna... Read more
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1. Chinese traitor (esp. a collaborator with the Japanese)
Wikipedia definition
2. HanjianIn Chinese culture, a Hanjian is a derogatory and pejorat... Read more
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1. Chinese numerals; kanji numerals
Wikipedia definition
2. Chinese numeralsChinese numerals are characters for writing numbers in Ch... Read more
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1. Sinology; study of China or of the Chinese classics
Wikipedia definition
2. Han learningHan Learning, or the Han school of classical philology, w... Read more
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かんぶんけん 漢字文化圏
1. Chinese-character cultural sphere; Sinosphere; countries where Chinese characters are used or were historically used
Wikipedia definition
2. SinosphereIn areal linguistics, Sinosphere refers to a grouping of ... Read more
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1. Han dynasty Confucian scholar
2. Chinese Confucian scholar; Japanese Confucianist; Japanese sinologist
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Kanji — 1 found

13 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
Sino-, China
On: カン
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Sentences — 35 found

  • jreibun/87/1
    • みょうじ名字
    • なか
    • で比較的単純なものと言えば、
    • やま
    • など、自然の
    • ふうぶつ風物
    • を漢字で組み合わせたものである。
    • ぐたいれい具体例
    • を挙げると、「
    • やまだ山田
    • やまかわ山川
    • のだ野田
    • はたの畑野
    • 」などである。
    Relatively simple surnames commonly found among Japanese people are those that combine things of nature, such as mountains and rice paddies, in kanji characters. Examples include Yamada (mountain and rice paddy), Yamakawa (mountain and river), Noda (field and rice paddy), and Hatano (farm and field). Jreibun
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Names — 42 found

かん 【漢】
Family or surname, Given name, gender not specified
1. Kan
はた 【漢】
Family or surname
1. Hata
かんいち 【漢一】
Unclassified name
1. Kan'ichi
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