

Words — 1 found

1. final income tax return; final declaration; final report
Wikipedia definition
2. Tax return
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Kanji — 4 found

15 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident
On: カク コウ
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8 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
determine, fix, establish, decide
On: テイ ジョウ
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5 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
have the honor to, sign of the monkey, 3-5PM, ninth sign of Chinese zodiac
On: シン
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7 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
revelation, tell, inform, announce
Kun: つ.げる
On: コク
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Sentences — 3 found

  • jreibun/8017/2
    • さい
    • は、
    • てんとう店頭
    • そなえつ備え付け
    • の応募はがきに必要事項を記入し、切手を貼ってポストに
    • とうかん投函
    • してください。
    To apply for the cash-back campaign, please fill out the required information on the application postcard provided at the store, affix a stamp, and drop it into the mailbox. Jreibun
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