

Words — 29 found

1. that way; that direction; over there; yonderUsually written using kana alone, See also こちら, See also そちら, See also どちら, direction distant from both speaker and listener
  • あちら
  • 着いたら
  • てがみ手紙
  • ください
Please write to me when you get there.
2. that (one)Usually written using kana alone, something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener
  • こちら
  • あちら
  • くら比べれば
  • まった全く
  • げんしてき原始的
  • だった
This was quite primitive compared to that.
3. that personUsually written using kana alone, someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known by both speaker and listener. あちら is polite
  • あちら
  • わたし私の
  • 待っていた
  • ひと
  • です
That's the person I've been waiting for.
4. there; over there; foreign country (esp. a Western nation)Usually written using kana alone, place distant from both speaker and listener
Other forms
彼方 【あっち】彼方 【あち】
彼方: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼方: Rarely-used kanji form. あち: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼方: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. ouch!; hot, hot, hot!when touching a hot object
2. something hot; fireChildren's language, Only applies to あちち
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Pronoun, Adverb (fukushi), Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. here and there; various places; all around; all over; everywhere; throughoutUsually written using kana alone
  • ほん
  • へや部屋
  • あちこち
  • 散らばっていた
There were books lying about the room.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. muddled; confused; in the wrong order; back to frontUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
彼方此方 【あちらこちら】彼方此方 【あっちこっち】アチコチ
彼方此方: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼方此方: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼方此方: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. oops; uh oh; drats
  • あっ
  • こうぞく後続
  • パーティ
  • 来た
  • みたい
  • 」「
  • あちゃー
  • やす休んでる
  • あいだ
  • 追いつかれ
  • ちゃった
"Ah, the trailing group has arrived." "Oh no. They caught up with us while we were resting."
Other forms
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1. foreign languageColloquial
Other forms
アチラ語 【あちらご】
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1. achieve
2. achievement testAbbreviation, See also アチーブメントテスト
Other forms
アチーヴ: Irregular kana usage.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. it's hard to please everybody; damned if you do and damned if you don'tProverb
Other forms
彼方立てれば此方が立たぬ 【あちらたてればこちらがたたぬ】
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1. achaar; acharFood, cooking
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Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. hot (thing, temper, gaze, topic)Ryuukyuu dialect
Noun or verb acting prenominally
2. hot; warm; sultry; heatedRyuukyuu dialect
Noun or verb acting prenominally
3. thick; deep; heavyRyuukyuu dialect
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. hotColloquial
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1. achievement test
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1. accelerandoMusic, From Italian
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1. Aceh (Indonesia); Atjeh (Indonesia)
Wikipedia definition
2. AcehAceh is a special region of Indonesia, located on the nor... Read more
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1. Achinsk (Russia)
Wikipedia definition
2. AchinskAchinsk is a city in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, located on... Read more
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1. Atchison; Acheson
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2. Atchison
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Wikipedia definition
1. AtibaiaAtibaia (or Estância de Atibaia) is a Brazilian city loca... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. AcerenzaAcerenza is a town and comune in the province of Potenza,... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. AtipamezoleAtipamezole (brand name Antisedan, Pfizer) is a synthetic... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Aceh SultanateThe Sultanate of Aceh, officially the Kingdom of Aceh Dar... Read more
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Kanji — 7 found

9 strokes.
dig, dig out, gouge out, scoop
Kun: あば.く
On: アツ アチ
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13 strokes.
On: エツ オチ アツ アチ
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10 strokes.
a mine
Kun: にお.う
On: アツ アチ
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9 strokes.
On: アツ アチ アン
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Sentences — 115 found

  • jreibun/667/2
    • しょうがつよう正月用
    • しょくざい食材
    • を買い求める
    • ひとびと人々
    • でごった返す
    • いちば市場
    • では、「いらっしゃい、いらっしゃい」という
    • いせい威勢
    • のいい
    • こえ
    • があちこちから聞こえてきた。
    At the market, which was jammed with people shopping for the New Year holidays, the cheerful voices of “Welcome!” and “May I help you?” could be heard everywhere. Jreibun
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