
第4航空艦隊 (空軍)
Wikipedia definition
1. Luftflotte 4Luftflotte 4 (Air Fleet 4) was one of the primary divisions of the German Luftwaffe in World War II. It was formed on March 18, 1939 from Luftwaffenkommando Österreich in Vienna. The Luftflotte was redesignated on April 21, 1945 to Luftwaffenkommando 4, and became subordinated to Luftflotte 6. It was the Luftflotte 4, which was responsible for the bombing campaign of Stalingrad, where ca. 40000 civilians died.
Read “Luftflotte 4” on English Wikipedia
Read “第4航空艦隊 (ドイツ空軍)” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Luftflotte 4” on DBpedia


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