
第3航空艦隊 (空軍)
Wikipedia definition
1. Luftflotte 3Luftflotte 3 (Air Fleet 3) was one of the primary divisions of the German Luftwaffe in World War II. It was formed on February 1, 1939 from Luftwaffengruppenkommando 3 in Munich and redesignated Luftwaffenkommando West on September 26, 1944. This Luftwaffe detachment was based in German-occupied areas of Northern France, Netherlands, Belgium, and Vichy France, to support the Axis power's forces in area. Its command offices were in Paris, France (on June 26, 1944).
Read “Luftflotte 3” on English Wikipedia
Read “第3航空艦隊 (ドイツ空軍)” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Luftflotte 3” on DBpedia


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