
Full name
1. Sekizawa Shin'ichi (1920.6.2-1992.11.19)
Wikipedia definition
2. Shinichi Sekizawa(born in Kyoto, Japan June 2, 1921, died November 19, 1992) was a Japanese screenwriter. His very first screenplay was for the Shintoho Studios film Fearful Attack of the Flying Saucers, which is now considered to be lost. He went on to script several films by Ishirō Honda, including several classic Godzilla films. He also contributed material to the original Ultraman series and several Tōei Dōga films such as Jack and the Witch.
Read “Shinichi Sekizawa” on English Wikipedia
Read “関沢新一” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Shinichi Sekizawa” on DBpedia


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