
Full name
1. Masumura Yasuzou (1924.8.25-1986.11.23)
Wikipedia definition
2. Yasuzo MasumuraYasuzo Masumura was a Japanese film director. Masumura was born in Kōfu on Honshū. After dropping out of a law course at the University of Tokyo he worked as an assistant director at the Daiei studio, later returning to university to study philosophy; he graduated in 1949. He then won a scholarship allowing him to study film in Italy at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia under Michelangelo Antonioni, Federico Fellini and Luchino Visconti.
Read “Yasuzo Masumura” on English Wikipedia
Read “増村保造” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Yasuzo Masumura” on DBpedia


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