
1. (an) only child
Wikipedia definition
2. Only childAn only child is a person with no siblings, either biological or adopted. In a family with multiple offspring, first-borns, may be briefly considered only children and have a similar early family environment, but the term only child is generally applied only to those individuals who never have siblings. An only child, however, may have half-siblings or step-siblings who come along considerably late (after they reach their teens) and still be considered an only child.
Read “Only child” on English Wikipedia
Read “一人っ子” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Only child” on DBpedia
Other forms
ひとりっ子 【ひとりっこ】独りっ子 【ひとりっこ】一人子 【ひとりっこ】
一人子: Irregular okurigana usage.


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