

Words — 53 found

1. petty official responsible for collecting public gossip and presenting it to the king (in ancient China)See also 稗史
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1. palace workshop responsible for making furnishings, etc. (Heian period)Historical term
Other forms
造物所 【つくもどころ】
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1. Waka Office; government office responsible for compiling imperially commissioned anthologies of waka poetryHistorical term, See also 勅撰和歌集
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1. lunch monitor; student responsible for school lunch distribution and clean-up
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けびいしちょう 検非違使庁
1. office in Heian Kyoto responsible for police and judicial dutiesHistorical term
Other forms
検非違使庁 【けんびいしちょう】
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1. important duty; heavy responsibility; responsible post
Noun, Suru verb
2. reappointment
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こうにゅう 購入
1. environmentally responsible purchasing; green purchasing
Wikipedia definition
2. Sustainable procurementSustainable procurement (or Green procurement) is a spend... Read more
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1. traffic accident for which the other side is at fault
Other forms
貰い事故 【もらいじこ】
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しんきょう 真理教
1. Aum Shinrikyo; religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway
Wikipedia definition
2. Aum ShinrikyoAum Shinrikyo (currently known as Aleph) is a Japanese cu... Read more
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1. joint and several liability; each individual being responsible for the payment of his share of the purchase price, expense, etc.
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1. person responsible for creating a favorable image for a campaign, product, or candidate; public relations specialist; PR consultantWasei, word made in Japan, From English “image maker”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
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1. fold; crease; pleat
2. manners; courtesy; responsible behavior (behaviour)
Other forms
折目 【おりめ】
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1. regional official responsible for rice storage (under the Yamato court)Archaic
2. Inagi (lowest of the eight hereditary titles)Archaic, See also 八色の姓
Other forms
稲置 【いなき】
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いったんにな 一端
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'u' ending
1. to be partly responsible for; to have a part in; to play a role inIdiomatic expression
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1. question of where responsibility lies; issue of where liability lies; question of who is responsible
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とくていぎょうせいちょう 特定行政庁
1. Specific Administrative Agency; municipality or public body which has an appointed building officer and is responsible for issuing building certifications
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しんらいげんそく 信頼原則
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. rule of reliance on reasonable conduct; principle that one is not legally responsible for failing to take into account that another party is not following the lawLaw
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1. paying for the purchase (expense) out of one's own pocket; being responsible for the payment of one's share of the purchase price, expense, etc.
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1. pre-ritsuryō official established in key provinces, responsible for administration of his home and surrounding provincesArchaic, Historical term, See also 律令制, See also 総領
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とくいた 不徳
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. undesirable state brought about by (my) lack of virtue; feeling morally responsible; mea culpawith an apologetic tone
Other forms
不徳の致す所 【ふとくのいたすところ】
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