

Words — 22 found

Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. honor; honour; credit; glory; fame; distinction
  • しょうたい招待
  • された
  • こと
  • たいへん大変な
  • めいよ名誉
  • です
It is a great honor to be invited.
2. prestige; dignity; reputation; honor; good name
  • これ
  • わがこう我が校
  • めいよ名誉
  • かかわる
  • もんだい問題
The problem affects the prestige of our school.
Noun, used as a prefix
3. honorary (e.g. president, doctorate)
  • だいがく大学
  • かれ
  • めいよ名誉
  • がくい学位
  • あた与えた
The college bestowed an honorary degree on him.
Wikipedia definition
4. HonourHonour or honor (see spelling differences; from the Latin... Read more
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1. authority; power; influence; prestige
  • がくせい学生
  • たち
  • けんい権威
  • はんこう反抗
  • した
The students revolted against authority.
2. (an) authority (on); expert
  • その
  • きょうじゅ教授
  • シェイクスピア
  • けんい権威
  • である
That professor is an authority on Shakespeare.
Wikipedia definition
3. AuthorityAuthority is a right conferred by recognized social posit... Read more
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1. face; honour; honor; reputation; prestige; dignity; credit
2. appearance; look
Other forms
面目 【めんもく】面目 【めいぼく】
めいぼく: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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1. honour; honor; dignity; prestige; reputation; appearances
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1. prestige
Wikipedia definition
2. Prestige
Other forms
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1. shoulders; body
2. honour; honor; prestige; faceSee also 肩身が広い
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1. face; honour; honor; reputation; prestige; dignity; creditPolite (teineigo) language, See also 面目次第もない
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1. enhancing national prestige; expanding national influenceYojijukugo (four character compound)
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'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. demonstrative of one's worth; worthy of one's reputation; living up to one's name; characteristically masterfulYojijukugo (four character compound)
'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
2. bolstering one's reputation; enhancing one's prestige; winning one honour; doing one creditYojijukugo (four character compound)
Other forms
面目躍如 【めんぼくやくじょ】
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1. national prestige
Other forms
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しん 威信
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to affect someone's prestige; to be beneath one's dignity
Other forms
威信に関わる 【いしんにかかわる】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ku' ending
1. to increase in value; to gain prestige
Other forms
箔がつく 【はくがつく】
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Wikipedia definition
1. The Prestige (film)The Prestige is a 2006 British-American mystery thriller ... Read more
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奇術師 (小説)
Wikipedia definition
1. The PrestigeThe Prestige is a 1995 novel by British writer Christophe... Read more
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Sentences — 3 found

  • 218476
    • これ
    • わがこう我が校
    • めいよ名誉
    • かかわる
    • もんだい問題
    The problem affects the prestige of our school. Tatoeba
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