1. I wish I had ...; I should have ...; it would have been better if I had ...Usually written using kana alone, usu. verb-て...
- その
- えいが映画
- を
- み見て
- おけばよかった
- なあ 。
置けば良かった 【おけばよかった】
1. mole cricket (esp. the Oriental mole cricket, Gryllotalpa orientalis)Usually written using kana alone
2. being penniless; being brokeColloquial, Usually written using kana alone, Only applies to おけら, Only applies to オケラ
螻 【けら】、螻蛄 【おけら】、螻蛄 【ろうこ】、ケラ、オケラ
1. it's OK to ...; it's best to ...; it's alright to ...Usually written using kana alone, usu. verb-て...
- かれ彼
- に
- たよ頼って
- おけばいい 。
置けば良い 【おけばいい】、置けばよい 【おけばよい】、置けば良い 【おけばよい】
1. bucket maker; well maker; cooper; hooper
1. style of Japanese folk song associated with Niigata Prefecture
於ける: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to go to a karaoke barSlang
1. style of Japanese folk song associated with Niigata Prefecture