

Words — 204 found

Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. inert; noble; neutralChemistry
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. inactive
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. noted family; noble family
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. prestigious school, organization, business, etc.See also 名門校 めいもんこう
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1. distinguished family; good family; reputable family
2. great master; expert; authority; eminent person
3. Meika; kuge family class ranking above Hanke and below UrinkeHistorical term, See also 公家
4. School of Names (China); Logicians; DisputersHistorical term
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1. minister (of government); nobleHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
2. nobleman's residenceHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, Archaic
3. Otodo
Other forms
大臣 【おとど】
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1. righteous government; just rule; kingship; rule of right; noble path
2. easy method; simple approach; short-cut; royal roadSee also 学問に王道なし
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
3. orthodox way; proper way; traditional manner; classic approach; tried-and-true method
  • この
  • メルマガ
  • さっこん昨今
  • ごがく語学
  • さんぎょうかい産業界
  • かんげん甘言
  • おど躍らされる
  • ことなく
  • ぶんぽうかいしゃく文法解釈
  • いう
  • こてんてき古典的
  • がくしゅう学習
  • ほう
  • こそ
  • おうどう王道
  • しん信じて
  • うたが疑わない
  • かた
  • ため
  • メルマガ
  • です
This e-zine is for those who, unswayed by the cajolery of the modern language industry, firmly trust that the traditional learning method of grammatical analysis is the way to go.
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1. royalty and nobility
2. noble; aristocrat
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1. court noble; nobility; kugeHistorical term, Only applies to くげ
2. Imperial CourtHistorical term
Wikipedia definition
3. Kugefor the village in Bosnia see Kuge, Bosnia and Herzegovin... Read more
Other forms
公家 【こうか】公家 【こうけ】
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1. noble orchid (Cymbidium goeringii)Usually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. Cymbidium goeringiiThe Noble Orchid (Cymbidium goeringii) is an orchid found... Read more
Other forms
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1. noble rot; Botrytis cinerea infection, esp. of grapes
Wikipedia definition
2. Noble rotNoble rot is the benevolent form of a grey fungus, Botryt... Read more
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1. noble eightfold pathBuddhism
Wikipedia definition
2. Noble Eightfold PathThe Noble Eightfold Path, is one of the principal teachin... Read more
Other forms
八聖道 【はっしょうどう】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. entering (the marketplace); introducing (something) to the market; access
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. visiting a high-class or noble individualoriginal meaning
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1. The Four Noble TruthsBuddhism, See also 苦集滅道
Wikipedia definition
2. Four Noble TruthsThe Four Noble Truths are one of the central teachings of... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. above; over; up
  • ひこうき飛行機
  • やま
  • うえ
  • 飛んだ
The plane flew over the mountain.
2. top; summit; upper part; head (e.g. of a staircase)
  • ほんだな本棚
  • うえ
  • てがとど手が届きます
Can you reach to the top of the bookshelf?
3. surface; on (top of)
  • つくえ
  • うえ
  • ほん
  • あります
There is a book on the desk.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
4. the above (in a piece of writing); earlier part
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
5. superior; better; higher (position, rank, etc.); upper (class)
  • かれ
  • スキー
  • うで
  • わたし
  • より
  • はるかに
  • うえ
He is far above me in skiing.
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
6. elder; older; senior
  • かれ
  • わたし私の
  • あに
  • よりも
  • ねん
  • うえ
  • 見えます
He looks older than my brother.
7. with respect to ...; in terms of; as far as ... is concerned; when (e.g. drunk)as ...上で(は) or ...上の
  • かれ
  • しごと仕事の
  • うえ
  • わたし私の
  • せんぱい先輩
He has more experience on the job than I.
8. besides ...; in addition to ...; on top of ...; as well as ...as ...上(に)
  • さむ寒かった
  • うえ
  • かぜ
  • つよ強かった
It was cold, and, in addition, it was windy.
9. after ...; upon ...; on ...; with (e.g. full awareness); as a result of ...as ...上(で)
  • かれ彼ら
  • ごうい合意
  • うえ
  • びんそく敏速な
  • こうどう行動
  • とった
They acted immediately by agreement.
10. since ...; now that ...; because ...as ...上は
11. honorable; venerable; dearHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, See also 父上, after a person of higher status
12. emperor; sovereign; shogun; daimyoArchaic
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1. pillar; post
  • この
  • はし
  • 10
  • ほん
  • はしら
  • ささえ支えられている
The bridge is supported by 10 posts.
2. support; prop; mainstay
  • かいがい海外
  • 向け
  • しょくひん食品
  • ゆしゅつ輸出
  • のうぎょう農業
  • かんれん関連
  • さんぎょう産業
  • はしら
  • ひと一つ
  • です
Overseas food exports are one of the mainstays of agribusiness.
Suffix, Counter
3. counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
Wikipedia definition
4. ColumnA column or pillar in architecture and structural enginee... Read more
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1. youFamiliar language, Male term or language, formerly honorific, now very informal
  • おまえお前
  • むすめ
  • おっと
  • しよう
You shall be my daughter's husband.
2. before (a god, nobleman, etc.); in front ofOnly applies to おまえ
Other forms
お前 【おまい】御前 【おまえ】御前 【おまい】
御前: Rarely-used kanji form. 御前: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. wife; Mrs; madamHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, Only applies to ふじん, Only applies to はしかし
  • ふじん夫人
  • わたし
  • とつぜん突然
  • たず訪ねて
  • 気にしない
  • でしょう
Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly.
2. wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.)Archaic, Only applies to ふじん
3. consort of the emperorArchaic, Only applies to ふじん, Only applies to ぶにん
Other forms
夫人 【ぶにん】夫人 【はしかし】
ぶにん: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. はしかし: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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1. throne; crown; (nobleman's) seatorig. from 座居, meaning "seat"
2. government position; court rankSee also 位階
3. social standing; rank; class; echelon; rung
4. grade (of quality, etc.); level; tier; rank
5. position of a figure (e.g. tens, thousands); digit; (decimal) placeSee also
  • せん
  • くらい
  • ししゃごにゅう四捨五入
  • すれば
  • なに
  • になります
What is 5814 rounded to the nearest thousand?
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