Words — 659 found
1. essence and fringe; beginning and ending; root and branch; means and end
1. main subject; main issue; main discourse
- ほんろん本論
- に
- はい入ろう 。
2. this subject
1. formal meeting (committee, etc.); session
2. this (the aforementioned, our) association (society, organisation)
1. classical school or style (e.g. of music, baseball pitching, etc.); orthodox school; authentic style
2. purist; follower of the orthodox school
- キーンコーン・・・カーンコーン ・・・「
- うわ 、
- まずい 。
- ほんれい本鈴
- だ !」
1. money for books
1. in truth; in actuality; at heart
2. the truth; the real story
- 本当の所
- を
- よみと読みとら
- なきゃ 。
本当の所 【ほんとうのところ】、ホントの所 【ホントのところ】
1. main pipe
1. this month
1. one's long-cherished desire