Words — 84 found
1. castle town; city in Japan that developed around the castle of a feudal lord
1. retainer of a daimyoHistorical term
1. han (estate of a daimyo in the Edo and early Meiji periods); feudal domain; fief; provinceHistorical term
1. police sergeant (Edo period)Historical term
2. low-ranking samurai who assisted daimyo or prominent military commanders (Muromachi period)Historical term, also written as 寄騎
3. Yoriki
1. feudal domain owned by a Tokugawa family branchHistorical term
1. feudal lords; barons; princesHistorical term
1. the king and his feudal lords
1. paper money issued by a feudal domainHistorical term
1. feudal estate; daimiate; fief; feoff; fee
1. nobles; feudal lords
1. feudal lord; daimyoObsolete term