

Words — 63 found

1. mechanical device for opening and closing (shutters, gates, etc.)
2. (railway) crossing gate; barrierRare term, See also 遮断機
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1. noise barrier; soundproof wall; soundwall; sound barrier
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. barrier wall; bulkhead; partition; septum; diaphragm
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1. The Gateless Barrier (13th century collection of koans, compiled by Chinese monk Wumen); The Gateless GateWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
2. The Gateless Gate (13th century collection of koans, compiled by Chinese monk Wumen)
Wikipedia definition
3. The Gateless GateThe Gateless Gate is a collection of 48 Chan koans compil... Read more
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1. barrier troopMilitary
Wikipedia definition
2. Barrier troopsBarrier troops, blocking units, or anti-retreat forces ar... Read more
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1. wheel stop; parking block; parking curb
2. buffer stop; bumper; bumping post; stopblockRailway
3. (wheel) chock
4. bollard (for preventing vehicle access); barrier
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5. Buffer stopA buffer stop or bumper (US) is a device to prevent railw... Read more
Other forms
車止 【くるまどめ】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. sound barrier
Wikipedia definition
2. Sound barrierThe sound barrier, in aerodynamics, is the point at which... Read more
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かんぜいしょうへき 非関税障壁
1. non-tariff barrier; NTB
Wikipedia definition
2. Non-tariff barriers to tradeNon-tariff barriers to trade (NTBs) are trade barriers th... Read more
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けつえきのうかんもん 血液脳関門
1. blood-brain barrier
Wikipedia definition
2. Blood–brain barrierThe blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a separation of circulat... Read more
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1. obstacle; impediment; hindrance; barrier; difficultyFormal or literary term
Other forms
障碍 【しょうげ】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. heat barrier
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. stupidity barrier; stupidity as an obstacle to coming to a mutual understandingfrom the title of a book by Takeshi Yoro
Other forms
馬鹿の壁 【ばかのかべ】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. language barrier
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1. storm surge barrier; seawall; tide embankmentSee also 防潮堤
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