
1. The Gateless Barrier (13th century collection of koans, compiled by Chinese monk Wumen); The Gateless GateWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
2. The Gateless Gate (13th century collection of koans, compiled by Chinese monk Wumen)
Wikipedia definition
3. The Gateless GateThe Gateless Gate is a collection of 48 Chan koans compiled in the early 13th century by the Chinese Zen master Wumen Hui-k'ai (無門慧開)(1183–1260) . Wumen's preface indicates that the volume was published in 1228. Each koan is accompanied by a commentary and verse by Wumen. A classic edition includes a 49th case composed by Anwan (pen name for Cheng Ch'ing-Chih) in 1246.
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