Words — 22 found
1. to be careful; to be discreetusu. 慎む
- とき時
- が
- とき時
- だから
- ことば
- を
- つつし慎み
- なさい 。
2. to do in moderation; to refrain (from overdoing); to abstainusu. 慎む
- でしゃばる
- の
- は
- つつし慎んで
- ください 。
3. to be reverentOnly applies to 謹む
4. to be purified; to be chaste
謹む 【つつしむ】、虔む 【つつしむ】
1. modesty; self-control; discretion
謹み 【つつしみ】、慎しみ 【つつしみ】、虔み 【つつしみ】、虔しみ 【つつしみ】
慎しみ: Irregular okurigana usage. 虔しみ: Irregular okurigana usage.
1. respectfully; humbly; reverently
1. listening attentively
2. (be quiet and) listen!; hear! hear!called out by the audience during a speech
1. self restraint; moderating one's own behavior; penitence; discipline
2. confinement (esp. to one's home); house arrest
1. stern; grave; solemn; sobersided
1. carefully made; carefully producedesp. used by manufacturers of food products, etc.
2. quality product; product made with care
1. informing with respect; announcing respectfully
1. respectful comments
1. Dear Sir or Madam; Dear Sirs; GentlemenHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, letters that open with this usu. end with 敬白, 謹言, or 敬具
1. wishes of happinessHumble (kenjougo) language
1. humbly presenting; respectfully presentingwhen giving a gift, esp. if one's own work
1. Yours Sincerely ...Honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
1. respectfully written
1. carefully selected
1. yours sincerely; sincerely yours; yours trulyHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language