

Words — 1 found

Noun, Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. month-long period; (during) month
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Kanji — 2 found

4 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
month, moon
Kun: つき
On: ゲツ ガツ
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12 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.
interval, space
Kun: あいだ あい
On: カン ケン
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Sentences — 29 found

  • jreibun/5235/1
    • きたな汚くて
    • おや
    • に「机の上を整理しろ」と叱られていた。
    Ever since I was a child, my desk has always been untidy; my parents used to scold me saying, “Clean up the clutter.” Jreibun
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Names — 1 found

つきま 【月間】
Family or surname
1. Tsukima