

6 strokes
eaves, roof, house, heaven
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6
JLPT level N2
883 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 宇 【ウ】 Ukraine
  • 宇 【ウ】 counter for buildings, roofs, tents, etc.
  • 大宇 【ダイウ】 Daewoo (car company)
  • 航宇 【コウウ】 aerospace


Japanese names:
いえ、 たか、 ひろ、 ひろし
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • edificio grande
  • cielo
  • sensación


  • Beira de telhado
  • teto
  • casa
  • paraíso


  • firmament
  • cieux
  • auvent
  • toit
  • maison
829 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
811 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
757 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1280 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
1286 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
459 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
285 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
990 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1027 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1252 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
465 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
2699 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1377 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1863 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1672 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
7067 Morohashi
2175 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1309 New Nelson (John Haig)
1656 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1785 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
839 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
747 2001 Kanji
3m3.3 The Kanji Dictionary
2-3-3 SKIP code
3040.1 Four corner code
1-17-07 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
5b87 Unicode hex code

8 strokes
mid-air, air, space, sky, memorization, interval of time
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6
JLPT level N1
1005 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 宙 【チュウ】 space, air, midair, (from) memory, (by) heart
  • 宙返り 【チュウガエリ】 somersault, looping-the-loop
  • 小宇宙 【ショウウチュウ】 microcosmos, microcosm
  • 大宇宙 【ダイウチュウ】 macrocosmos, macrocosm, the universe, the cosmos


Japanese names:
ひろ、 ゆ
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • en el aire
  • espacio
  • cielo
  • firmamento


  • aéreo
  • ar
  • espaço
  • céu
  • memorização
  • intervalo de tempo


  • plein ciel
  • air
  • espace
  • mémorisation
  • intervalle de temps
947 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
935 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
993 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1291 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
1303 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
463 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
673 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
991 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1028 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1253 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
472 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
2761 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1413 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1907 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1118 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
7108 Morohashi
2221 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1318 New Nelson (John Haig)
1109 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1190 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
868 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
776 2001 Kanji
3m5.5 The Kanji Dictionary
2-3-5 SKIP code
3060.2 Four corner code
1-35-72 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
5b99 Unicode hex code

12 strokes
examination, investigate
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5
JLPT level N1
290 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 検閲 【ケンエツ】 censorship, inspection, examination
  • 検疫 【ケンエキ】 quarantine, medical inspection
  • 送検 【ソウケン】 referring a case to a public prosecutor
  • 最高検 【サイコウケン】 Public Prosecutor's Office


Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • examinar
  • investigar
  • analizar


  • examinar
  • investigar


  • examen
  • inspection
771 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
690 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
663 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
351 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
2304 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
785 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
638 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
531 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
540 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
792 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1101 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
1241 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
674 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
898 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1689 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
15065P Morohashi
986 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2752 New Nelson (John Haig)
1673 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1803 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
473 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
752 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
1863 2001 Kanji
4a8.28 The Kanji Dictionary
1-4-8 SKIP code
4893.6 Four corner code
1-24-01 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
691c Unicode hex code

15 strokes
review, inspection, revision
Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high
JLPT level N1
1855 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 閲 【エツ】 inspection (esp. of a document), stamp of approval (for a document)
  • 閲覧 【エツラン】 inspection, reading, perusal, browsing (the web)
  • 観閲 【カンエツ】 inspection (of troops)
  • 内閲 【ナイエツ】 private perusal

Kun reading compounds

  • 閲する 【えっする】 to inspect, to examine, to check, to elapse, to pass (time)


Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • inspección
  • revisión
  • examen
  • paso del tiempo


  • revier
  • inspeção
  • revisão


  • revue
  • inspection
  • révision
1023 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
1815 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
4961 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
1261 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1864 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
1369 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1456 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1719 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1846 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
4132 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2101 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2845 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1632 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
41341P Morohashi
3330 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
6404 New Nelson (John Haig)
1618 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1745 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
1813 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
3857 2001 Kanji
8e7.2 The Kanji Dictionary
3-8-7 SKIP code
7721.6 Four corner code
1-17-60 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
95b2 Unicode hex code

8 strokes
bureaucrat, the government, organ
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4
JLPT level N3
230 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 官 【カン】 government service, the bureaucracy
  • 官界 【カンカイ】 bureaucracy
  • 代官 【ダイカン】 local governor (Edo period), local magistrate, bailiff, deputy official (Middle Ages), acting administrator
  • 自衛官 【ジエイカン】 Japanese Self-Defense Force official, Self-Defense Force official


Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • gobierno
  • gubernamental (lugar
  • persona)
  • órgano del cuerpo


  • burocracia
  • o governo


  • fonctionnaire
  • gouvernemental
364 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
465 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
441 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
225 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1295 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
318 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
462 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
672 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
326 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
326 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
540 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
469 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
2766 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1417 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1912 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1279 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
7107 Morohashi
2226 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1322 New Nelson (John Haig)
1271 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1363 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
202 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
498 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
777 2001 Kanji
3m5.6 The Kanji Dictionary
2-3-5 SKIP code
3077.7 Four corner code
1-20-17 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
5b98 Unicode hex code

6 strokes
man, human 人 (亻)
sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5
JLPT level N1
1039 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 仮 【カリ】 temporary, provisional, interim, tentative, fictitious, assumed (name), alias, hypothetical, theoretical
  • 仮称 【カショウ】 temporary name, provisional name
  • 仮 【ケ】 lacking substance and existing in name only, something without substance
  • 化粧 【ケショウ】 make-up, makeup, cosmetics, decoration, dressing, veneer
  • 虚仮 【コケ】 folly, fool

Kun reading compounds

  • 仮 【かり】 temporary, provisional, interim, tentative, fictitious, assumed (name), alias, hypothetical, theoretical
  • 仮処分 【かりしょぶん】 provisional disposition, temporary injunction


Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):
jia3, jia4
ga, ban


  • temporal
  • provisional
  • falso


  • fingimento
  • temporário
  • interim
  • assumido (nome)
  • informal


  • factice
  • intérim
  • temporaire
  • emprunt (nom d')
  • informel
  • ka(na)
559 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
656 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
625 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
1322 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
382 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
696 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
304 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
231 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
1049 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1092 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1141 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
63 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
53 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
34 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
34 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
975 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
398 Morohashi
50 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
144 New Nelson (John Haig)
966 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1039 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
656 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
2167 2001 Kanji
2a4.15 The Kanji Dictionary
1-2-4 SKIP code
2124.7 Four corner code
1-18-30 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
4eee Unicode hex code

14 strokes
speech 言 (訁)
opinion, theory, explanation, rumor
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4
JLPT level N3
326 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 説 【セツ】 theory, doctrine, opinion, view, rumour, rumor, gossip, hearsay
  • 説明 【セツメイ】 explanation, exposition, description, account, caption, legend
  • 論説 【ロンセツ】 article, discourse, dissertation, (written) argument, commentary, editorial, leading article, leader
  • 定説 【テイセツ】 established theory, accepted opinion, accepted explanation
  • 遊説 【ユウゼイ】 election tour, election campaign, stumping
  • 全国遊説 【ゼンコクユウゼイ】 nationwide election campaign

Kun reading compounds

  • 説く 【とく】 to explain, to advocate, to preach, to persuade


Japanese names:
さとし、 とき
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):
shuo1, shui4, yue4
seol, se, yeol


  • opinión
  • teoría
  • explicar
  • expresar


  • rumor
  • opinião
  • teoria


  • théorie
  • rumeur
  • opinion
  • thèse
654 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
553 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
524 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
307 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
4373 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
216 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
251 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
2143 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
3.9 Japanese for Busy People
400 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
404 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
292 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1688 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
1949 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1042 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1405 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
511 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
35556P Morohashi
1547 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
5627 New Nelson (John Haig)
499 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
538 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
240 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
620 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
3057 2001 Kanji
7a7.12 The Kanji Dictionary
1-7-7 SKIP code
0861.6 Four corner code
1-32-66 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
8aac Unicode hex code