Words — 17 found
1. this plane
- こんにちは 。
- ようこそ
- とうき当機
- へ
- いらっしゃいませ 。
- ごきげんいかがですか 。
1. party discipline
1. abovementioned item; description at beginning of (this) text or document
1. dong dang gui (aromatic herb similar to dong quai, Angelica acutiloba)Usually written using kana alone
2. dong quai (aromatic herb used to treat various gynecological symptoms, Angelica sinensis)Rare term, See also 唐当帰
1. fighting spirit
1. party rules; party regulations
1. returning to an eastern place (esp. from Kyoto to Tokyo)Rare term
1. this season
2. nowadays; these daysObsolete term