Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 8 Show 10 collocations Links
- 間が無い - (preceded by v-te) not long has passed since ...
- 間が悪い - embarrassed
- 間が抜ける - to look stupid
- 間を取る - to take the middle (between the two)
- 間を持つ - to have a controlling presence
- 間を開ける - to leave space (between)
- 間を置いて - intermittently
- 間を置く - to pause
- 間に合わす - to make something be done in time
- 間に立つ - to mediate
1. time; pause
- おに鬼
- の
- い居ぬ
- ま間
- に
- せんたく洗濯 。
2. space
3. room
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