Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 18 Play audio Show 29 collocations Links
- 胸が痛む - to experience chest pain
- 胸が躍る - to be excited
- 胸がすく - to feel relieved
- 胸がつぶれる - to be choked up
- 胸が悪い - sick
- 胸が悪くなる - to feel sick
- 胸が苦しい - have a pain in one's chest
- 胸が裂ける - to break one's heart
- 胸が騒ぐ - to feel uneasy
- 胸をそらす - to be puffed up with pride
- 胸をときめかす - to make one's heart flutter
- 胸を撫で下ろす - to be relieved
- 胸を張る - to throw out one's chest
- 胸を借りる - to be allowed to practice with a partner of higher skill (esp. in sumo)
- 胸を冷やす - to be frightened
- 胸を出す - to have training bouts with one's junior during practice (of a senior wrestler)
- 胸を患う - to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis
- 胸を打つ - to be touching
- 胸を焦がす - to yearn for
- 胸を病む - to become consumptive
- 胸を痛める - to worry oneself (about)
- 胸を締め付ける - to constrict one's chest
- 胸を貸す - to allow a less skilled person to practice with one (esp. in sumo)
- 胸にこたえる - to go to one's heart
- 胸にジーンと来る - to have one's heart touched (by something very moving)
- 胸に一物 - machination
- 胸に浮かぶ - to come to mind
- 胸に畳む - to keep to oneself
- 胸に納める - to keep to oneself (secret, etc.)
1. chest; breastむな is usually used in compounds
2. breasts; bosom; bust
3. heart
4. lungs
5. stomach
6. heart; mind; feelings
7. ChestThe chest is a part of the anatomy of humans and various other animals. It is sometimes referred to as the thorax or the bosom.
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胸 【むな】
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