
こめたに 米谷
Full name
1. Kometani Fumiko (1930.11-)
Wikipedia definition
2. Fumiko KometaniFumiko Kometani, born in Osaka, Japan in 1930, is a Japanese author and artist (painter) and a longtime resident of the United States. Kometani moved to the U.S. in 1960 when she was working as an abstract painter, spending time at the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire where she met her husband, Josh Greenfeld (now living in California). She changed her focus to writing when her developmentally-disabled son Noah became too hard to handle when he was around the art supplies in her studio.
Read “Fumiko Kometani” on English Wikipedia
Read “米谷ふみ子” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Fumiko Kometani” on DBpedia


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