1. attention; notice; heed
- けんこう健康に
- もっと
- ちゅうい注意
- を
- はら払う
- べき
- だ 。
2. care; caution; precaution; looking out (for); watching out (for)
- ねぼう寝坊
- しない
- ように
- ちゅうい注意
- し
- なさい 。
3. advice; warning; caution; reminder
- かれ彼
- に
- おく遅れない
- ように
- ちゅうい注意
- した 。
4. admonishment; reprimand; telling-off
- あの
- たいど態度 、
- きつく
- ちゅうい注意
- して
- やらん
- と 。
5. AttentionAttention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. Attention has also been referred to as the allocation of processing resources. Examples include listening carefully to what someone is saying while ignoring other conversations in a room or listening to a cell phone conversation while driving a car. Attention is one of the most intensely studied topics within psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
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