
しょうざん 佐久間象山
Full name
1. Sakuma Shouzan (1811-1864)
Wikipedia definition
2. Sakuma ShōzanSakuma Shōzan sometimes called Sakuma Zōzan, was a Japanese politician and scholar of the Edo era. He was the son of a samurai, and a native of Shinshu (信州) in today's Nagano-ken. From the age of 23, he went to Edo and for 10 years studied Chinese sciences (漢学). He then started to study Western sciences at the age of 33, with the help of the Rangaku scholar Kurokawa Ryoan (黒川良安).
Read “Sakuma Shōzan” on English Wikipedia
Read “佐久間象山” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Sakuma Shōzan” on DBpedia


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