

You can also try a search for うぇい.

Words — 12 found

1. Wei (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms period; 220-266 CE); Cao WeiHistorical term, See also 三国, See also 曹魏
2. Wei (kingdom in China during the Warring States period; 403-225 BCE)Historical term
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3. Wei
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1. Cao Wei (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms period; 220-266); WeiHistorical term, See also
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しんなんぼくちょうだい 魏晋南北朝時代
1. Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties period (China, 220-589 CE)
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2. Period of DisunityThe Period of Disunity, also known as the first disunion,... Read more
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1. Northern Wei dynasty (of China; 386-535)Historical term
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2. Northern WeiThe Northern Wei Dynasty, also known as the Tuoba Wei (拓拔... Read more
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1. Western Wei dynasty (of China; 535-557)Historical term
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2. Western WeiThe Western Wei Dynasty followed the disintegration of th... Read more
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1. Eastern Wei dynasty (of China; 534-550)
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2. Eastern WeiThe Eastern Wei Dynasty followed the disintegration of th... Read more
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1. ko-on; ancient reading; reading of a kanji based on Zhou, Han and Wei dynasty Chinese
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1. Wei (state)The State of Wei was a Zhou Dynasty vassal state during t... Read more
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1. Wei (Dingling)Wei was a state of Dingling ethnicity that existed during... Read more
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1. the Six Kingdoms (of China's Warring States period: Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Wei and Zhao)Historical term, See also 戦国時代
2. the six tree-derived incense varieties used in kōdō ceremoniesSee also 香道 こうどう, See also 真南蛮, See also 真那伽, See also 佐曾羅, See also 寸門多羅, See also 伽羅
Other forms
六国 【ろっこく】六国 【りくこく】
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1. three countries
2. Three Kingdoms (in China, 220 CE-280 CE)Historical term, See also 魏 ぎ, See also 蜀 しょく, See also 呉 ご
3. Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57 BCE-668 CE)Historical term, See also 新羅 しらぎ, See also 百済 くだら, See also 高句麗 こうくり
4. Japan, China and India; Japan, Korea and China; the whole worldArchaic
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Kanji — 2 found

18 strokes.
high, large, Kingdom of Wei
Kun: たか.い
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17 strokes.
tributary of Wei river in Shaanxi
Kun: いし
On: ハン
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Names — 153 found

そうそう 【曹操】
Full name
1. Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, noted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei, father of Emperor Cao Pi; the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms
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2. Cao CaoCao Cao (155 – March 15, 220) was a warlord and the penul... Read more
Given name, gender not specified
1. Ei (Wei)
えい 【ゑ以】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Ei (Wei)
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