

Words — 5 found

1. (Internet) troll; disturber
  • ひと一つ
  • ミス
  • 荒らし
  • まちが間違えられて
  • たた叩かれて
  • しまう
Just one slip and you'll be mistaken for a troll and flamed.
Noun, used as a suffix
2. raising havoc; laying waste; trolling; vandalism
Noun, used as a suffix
3. robbery; holdupSee also アパート荒らし アパートあらし
Noun, used as a suffix
4. robber; thief
Wikipedia definition
5. Troll (Internet)In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammat... Read more
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1. vandalism
Other forms
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Wikipedia definition
1. VandalismVandalism is the behaviour attributed originally to the V... Read more
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