

Words — 166 found

Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. drop in status; reduction in status
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Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. part; portion; share
  • これ
  • きみ君の
  • ぶん
  • ケーキ
Here is your share of the cake.
Noun, used as a suffix
2. amount; worth (as in "two days' worth"); enough (for)
  • あなた
  • やちん家賃
  • さん
  • かげつヶ月
  • ぶん
  • しきん資金
  • として
  • はら払わ
  • なければならない
You are required to provide three months' rent in deposit.
3. one's means; one's place; one's lot; one's social position
4. one's duty; one's part
5. condition; state (of affairs); extent; rate (as in "at this rate")
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
6. in proportion to; just as much as; to the same degree
  • ここ
  • しなもの品物
  • たか高い
  • けど
  • その
  • ぶん
  • アフターサービス
  • じゅうじつ充実
  • してる
  • から
Prices are high here but that's because the after-sale service is really good.
Noun, used as a suffix
7. content (e.g. alcohol); percentage
  • この
  • ビール
  • アルコール
  • ぶん
  • 5%
This beer contains 5% alcohol.
Noun, used as a suffix
8. equivalent to (e.g. an old brother)See also 兄貴分
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1. position (where one is standing); place where one stands
2. position; stance; standpoint; status; role
Other forms
立位置 【たちいち】
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1. status of forces agreement; SOFA
Wikipedia definition
2. Status of forces agreementA status of forces agreement (SOFA) is an agreement betwe... Read more
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1. recent state; present state; present condition; current status; current circumstances
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1. credit status; credit standing; credit record; credit information
Wikipedia definition
2. Credit historyThis article deals with the general concept of the term c... Read more
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be degraded; to come down in the world; to lose status; to be ruined; to fall low
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1. distinguished family; good family; reputable family
2. great master; expert; authority; eminent person
3. Meika; kuge family class ranking above Hanke and below UrinkeHistorical term, See also 公家
4. School of Names (China); Logicians; DisputersHistorical term
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1. master (of a house, shop, etc.)From Sanskrit “dāna”
  • その
  • みにく醜い
  • にくや肉屋
  • だんな旦那
  • あの
  • そうぞうじょう想像上の
  • かいぶつ怪物
  • 似ている
That ugly butcher resembles that fictional monster.
2. husbandFamiliar language
  • だんな旦那
  • こども子供
  • ひきと引き取り
  • けん
  • のぞ望んでいた
Her husband also wanted custody of the children.
3. sir; boss; master; governorused to address a male patron, customer, or person of high status
4. patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddySee also パトロン
5. alms; almsgiving; almsgiverBuddhism, See also 檀越, See also 檀家, orig. meaning; usu. written as 檀那
Other forms
檀那 【だんな】
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1. status of implementation; state of achievement
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Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. appropriate to one's lot in life; within one's means; fitting to one's position; suitable to one's social status
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. extent; degree; measureUsually written using kana alone
  • ほど
  • じょうず上手に
  • ピアノ
  • ひける
  • よい
  • のだ
I wish I could play the piano as well as Susie.
2. limit; boundsUsually written using kana alone
  • ほど
  • もんだい問題
  • いけん意見
  • いっち一致
  • みている
Some 20 issues have been agreed on.
3. (span of) timeUsually written using kana alone
  • さん
  • いつ
  • 来た
  • 」「10
  • ふん
  • ほど
  • まえ
"When did Mr Ogawa arrive?" "Ten minutes ago."
4. (a) distanceUsually written using kana alone
  • ここ
  • から
  • キロ
  • ほど
  • かわかみ川上
  • むら
  • ひと1つ
  • ある
There is a village about three kilometers up the river from here.
5. the state of; the status of; the condition ofUsually written using kana alone, as 〜のほど
6. about; around; approximately; or soUsually written using kana alone
7. as much as ...; to the extent of ...; like ...Usually written using kana alone
8. the more ... the more ...Usually written using kana alone, oft. as 〜ば...ほど
  • しんりがく心理学
  • べんきょう勉強
  • すれ
  • する
  • ほど
  • おもしろ面白い
  • おも思えて
  • きた
  • んだ
The more I studied psychology, the more interesting it seemed to me.
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Noun, Suru verb
1. maintaining the status quoYojijukugo (four character compound)
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